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  1. Följande har skrivits på ett annat forum: Hi everybody, I'm not quite sure the phrazing in the title is correct, but bear with me.. Question 1: Has anybody looked into the application of Ozone as a scrubbing/cleaning agent in sea-water equipment with an industrial application? If so, could you please help me out? Question 2 (this is a long one..): I'm currently working in a heavy industry using seawater as a coolant for the process, currently we're using the systems backpressure to clean the filters. Even with the flushing, there's a build-up of sea weed and algea in the system, that the pressure wont flush, due to tangeling and such. Normal practice is that chemical dosing is applied to keep the system clean, which I'm hesitant to apply (Leak-through of chemicals might be harmful to the marine environment). Could ozone be applied instead? The theory is this: Ozone is a aggressive oxidizing agent, used to sterilize and cleave carbohydrate molecules in hobby aquariums, to improve skimming output. What happens if you dose Ozone in a turbid, linear, sea-water cooling system? Main parameters: The volume of the heat-exchange system only is approximately 2000l, the entire system is approximately 16000l. The system of made out of stainless steel, PVC, Titanium and coated (not quite sure with the exact type of coating, but it's resistant to Ozone) steel. Will there be an issue with the seals on the pumps? Pump capacity: min flow is 60000l/h, max flow is 440000l/h. Is it practical to add ozone to this system? What I'm hoping to achieve is to oxidize seaweed, algae, and bivalves that love the high flow of seawater. Main ambition is to remove existing build-up in the system, secondly: I'd like to inhibit the attachment of new organisms in the system, without the passing of excess Ozone into the mirine environment. Hopefully low dosages of Ozone will enable this result of said ambitions. Is this even possible? I've been in contact with producers of Ozone systems, and they've never heard of this application before, I'm hoping you guys know something of the subject matter! The producers are able to provide Ozone dosing systems with an output in the kilo range(!!!). All input is interesting. The outcome of this procet will be shared at the end of the process, hopefully minimizing the use of chemicals which might be harmful to the environment. Thanks for reading. /Oskar Ek Är det någon här som vet? Alternativt, så kanske ni vet vilket forum som lämpar sig bäst? Ha det gott! /Oskar Ek
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