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Inlägg postat av 1538Moss

  1. Självklart så kan man kräkas när man dricker sprit, men det beror inte på något kräkmedel i flaskan. Man har helt enkelt druckit för mycket och kroppen säger ifrån. Man kan kräkas om man dricker för många öl också.;)

    Ordväxling mellan Berra och Stig Helmer:

    - Ska du ha?

    - Nej tack, jag tål inte starksprit.

    - Nä vem fan gör det.

  2. Info jag fikk från en leverantør i Kina:

    -1W high output LED, made in Taiwan. 98% light output within PAR range of 400-700 Wave length.

    -Each LED can carry an output of 1.03W, with 70LM output for 15000K. Rated working tem below 55C.

    -40W LED equals to 150W metal halide light, while power consuption only quarter of HID.

    -Each 30cm is a module, with 7 pcs circuit board, each circuit board mounts 3 LEDs.

    -Each module with individual LED driver and cooling fan*1, DC 12V voltage driven


  3. pin-wheel-psk-2500-450x337.jpg

    Har någon här testet denne?

    If you happen to have a protein skimmer that uses a PSK 2500 pump you might want to take a look at ATB’s new pinwheel. The wheel which is compatible with an array of protein skimmers including Bubble Master, Orca, MSX and Octopus. Users of the new pinwheel have reported the pump using 21 watts while using 9.6 scfh. Granted power draw and air pull can vary but this is one pinwheel we wouldn’t mind having for our Sicce pumps. The pinwheel is made by ATB and it will run you around $30 for this upgrade. Reef Specialty seems like the only supplier at the moment, but we are sure that any ATB reseller could get this purple wonder in for you.
  4. Har precis inhandlat en burk ZZ, men får inte upp burken!

    Finns det någon som sitter inne på några bra "burköppnartips"?

    Det flere som har problemer med burken :

    If you have purchased the product or plan to, be forewarned the lid is very difficult to get off. Also be very gentle when putting it back on or you will be in the same situation to get it back off. I am tempted to put it in a new container…


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