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Saltvattensguiden.se ideell förening dokumentportal
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Hi Admin, my name is Dusko and I work for ArkenZoo Svagertorp in Malmo. I started working there recently and my responsibility is Akvaristik. I decided to open (beside the sottvatten) a new Saltvatten avd. with approx 33 aquariums which will hold various marine fish and soft corals. I am also building a touch pool tank for sps and lps corals. Of course all sorts of salt water products, salt and levande/dod sten, etc ...
I would like to advertise ArkenZoo Svagertorp Saltvattens Avd. on your forum.
Could you give me more info about the price and how to do it.
Thank you very much,
mvh, Dusko Arken Zoo Svagertorp