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Inlägg postat av crille

  1. det var denna jag skulle länka tillsmiley1.gif

    Which Turbelle stream Can Be Controlled ?

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    Which Turbelle stream Can Be Controlled ?

    Question asked by Mr Suedermann / Germany

    The description of your new Turbelle stream 8500 indicates that the unit cannot be controlled. Does that mean it cannot be controlled at all; or can I control it by using my IKS computer and a dimmer socket ?


    Turbelle stream 6060 and 6080 use synchronous motors for operation, and unfortunately cannot be controlled for technical reasons. In order to vary the throughput of water, you need type 6000 or 6100 fitted with transformer and driver. These units can be controlled with our Singlecontroller 7091 or Multicontroller 7094 as well as directly with the IKS computer (230 V transformer plug directly into the socket of the IKS modules like a normal Turbelle 4002 with asynchronous motor). Turbelle stream 6060 / 6080 are so-called “low-cost” units.

  2. Henrik Jonsson, har du monterat på samma sätt som Nemo? Bild?

    I princip ja. Jag har längre "slang" till pumpens insug på grund av platsbrist, men annars är det lika. Det funkar kanonbra för mig. Ren yta och tyst!

    Samma här, en slangbit mellan insuget och pumpen.

    hur menar ni?smiley5.gif.

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