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Inlägg postat av wrang

  1. Ja det kan vara lite lurigt med att köpa begagnad LS. Gjorde detta själv och fick jätte fin kvalite så bestämmer du sig att köpa stenen. Låt den gå i en balja i någon månad med sniglar så äter det säkert upp algerna och du får bättre koll i baljan än i karet

    Skall du köpa mycket eller bara några stenar!

  2. Har skickat ett mail till acriform och frågat efter 140mm rör får se om de svarar


    ang Marinshop.de så har de bara 160mm rör men behöver 140mm som sagt.

    Skall bygga en skummarkopp till skummaren jag fick från BroderIsak. Hans krashade ATI BM 200 och då är röret som sitter på skummaren 143mm i innermått

    Eller har någon nått annat tipps

    Har ett 160mm som är 18cm långt tänkte om man slitzar upp detta på längden så borde man kunna fådet mindre.

  3. fick svar av roger vitko nu.. han sa att höjden är inga problem.. det e snarare längden han trodde att 75cm e för kort.. men att det skulle kunna funka.men det skulle knappt bli nån våg rörelse

    Hur fick du tag i han. Tänke kolla med min fråga om han kanske hadde ett svar på detta

  4. Detta är vad jag hittat innan. Kanske det kan vara till hjälp

    The shorter the tank, the faster the frequency.

    Frequency is fixed by resonance and cannot be adjusted- you can tune the frequency but for alll but the longest tanks only one frequency is effective in prodoucing a wave. In a tank over 2m a double wave is possible, in a tank over 4m a 4x wave is possible.

    Here are the wave sizes at full power- amplitude can be adjusted on the driver that is common to all Tunze Electronic pumps and does not affect controller function at 100% the following is known dimensions are in cm, F is freq in seconds, w is wave height (crest to trough in mm)

    70-50-50 F=.45s W=40

    100-70-70 F=.56 W=35

    120-70-60 F=.63 W=35

    150-100-60 F=.83 W=30

    180-100-60 F=.86 W=30

    220-80-50 F=1.10 W=25

    200-80-65 F=1.15 W=25

    Round and Triangular tanks create an elliptical wave pattern.

    Rock layout and corals effect resonance and adjustments have to be made every feew months to acccomodate coral growth.

    The Pros of the wavebox are

    In a 2m tank you can move 100,000l/h of water with 30w of power!

    The pressure and dynamic of the wave improves permeation in to the rock and sand bed improving bio function

    Detritus is almost non existant- no dead spots exist


    On a old tank it could cause algae problems as the detritus and opening of the structure to flow will liberate phosphates and drop redox

    Tank life is shortened by the dynamic load. We approximate a tank constructed to DIN standards looses 10-20% of it's life when all other assembly and installation is 100% correct. (Unfortunately the US has no standard system like the Deutches Institute Normalization but we can estimate that a well made name brand US tank will have a 15 year life and the wavebox will reduce that to 12 at most if all other instalation is correct-i.e. it is level and properly supported)

    The flow is not exactly natural, the natural wave would be much longer but given the size of the device and ultimate in energy savings it is the best that can be accomplished and is the most natural flow available to hobbyists.

    So, the ideal flow system now is two Electronic Streams on opposite ends back corner aimed to the front center glass and operated on interval mode 2 on multicontroller 7095 with changes in pump operation every 6hrs or so. The wave box is coordinated and shuts off at night. This flow is a 50% approximation of what exists in the ocean and the best accomplished yet by any means."

    Some details for the controller 6091:

    The unit can run three ways- one box connected to the multicontroller or two boxes independent and run synchronously (same side for bigger tanks) or Inverse where to boxes are run opposite on huge tanks to boost the flow. Maximum freq is 1.4 sec- any longer and the box prodouces bubbles.

    That is all the info I have and that is direct from Claude Hug the developer and primary tester of the wavebox 6212.


    Roger Vitko

    Tunze USA

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