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  1. Looking for a canister filter, if you something you wanna sell pleas PM.
  2. TL;DR: Any LED that can cover about 60cm long aquarium I am looking for any LED or possibly t5 for my tank the surface of the tank that need this lighting is about 60cm. Since this is a shallow tank of about 85cm long (25 cm is being used for macro algae and mangroves) and will be light differently I want to put a new light on the coral side. I would be open for any lighting that can be controller in more fine grained manner (T5 or LED). Mods: Posting a second ads as I could not change the current one. Not a duplicate
  3. I am looking for a toxic green Caulastrea frag if anyone has a frag or willing to make one
  4. Thanks, now I noticed the timestamp But I still look for few macro algae
  5. I could not skip replying here @sundvall. I wonder what macro algae do you have in case you can sell a bit.
  6. Looking for a light preferably maxspect razor 70 w or anything with similar output of around 70w.
  7. Looking for some macro algae; Interested in any of the following if you have some to offer. Caulerpa prolifera Halimeda opuntia Rhipocephalus phoenix Red Grape Bryothamnion triquetrum Purple Ribbon Golden Plume We can discuss price of course.
  8. Looking for 2 or 3 mangrove sticks. I can collect from Uppsala or Stockholm. Tack!
  9. Looking for ~5kg of livestones. Tack!
  10. I am looking for an already established tank, sub 200L. I am more interested in buying the whole setup from the furniture down to the livestock. The more automation in maintenance the better for me. Please PM or post here if you want to sell your tank
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