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    josef och malin
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  • Antal år inom saltvatten
    1,5 år
  • Akvarievolym
  • Vilken uppsättning av ljus använder du
    jad akvarium 150w and moon light plus 2*7st led aqua sun light
  • Om JA vid skummare - Vilken
    tunze nano
  • Antal år inom sötvatten
    1 år
  • Hur många kilo kevande sten har du i akvariet

freeman's prestationer


Saltentusiast (6/14)

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  • Nygammal flundra

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  1. yeah thanx .....
  2. this two green and blue acropora shop from tritron last three week back......
  3. hi all its being a while here ....just wanted to show u my 100liter sps tank its took me two month to be water stabalise....
  4. hi hasse do u have problem with the luft coming from return pump..??don't know why mine is so much luft in the water...
  5. light hanging as usual...
  6. ahh my new led light have just arrive.....
  7. thank-you lasse...
  8. ok thanx..
  9. hi everyone can anyone help,how much salt( tropic marin)of gram for 10liter water to be 34ppt.thank you
  10. hi stefan i don't think u get from sundsvall or else where. all i know from northern are umeå and luleå..
  11. hi hasse i was not so such about jad skummare as i see in you-tube.mostly there are made in china.i means not to say from china but mostly there never last long...
  12. very beautiful akvarium and very beautiful corals.....
  13. light 150w hqo and moon light.still waiting for aqua spot light 7w 2st with 4white and 3 blue 16000k.
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