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Dosage: 1 level measuring spoon increases the strontium level of 10 US Gal. / 8 Imp.Gal. / 37 l by about 2 ppm (2 mg/l). The natural concentration of seawater is 8 ppm (8 mg/l). In a reef aquarium the concentration of strontium decreases quickly through biological processes, precipitation and by the use in calcareous animals. A basic dosage of 1 level measuring spoon per 50 US Gal. / 42 Imp.Gal. / 190 l every two weeks is recommended. In an aquarium with a high population, the dosage can be as much as 1 level measuring spoon per 50 US Gal. / 42 Imp.Gal. / 190 l each week. High strontium concentrations in the aquarium may damage corals. Always be sure to monitor the strontium concentration with a Strontium Test.

Går man in på Tropic Marins hemsida, så ser man att det skall vara en 5ml sked med i paketet, jag vet inte om den som du fick med är just denna, det kan hända att jag missat att läga ner den i just den burken, isf går det bra med vilket mått som helst som tar 5ml, ett tips: 1 tsk = 5 ml.

;) Lycka till!

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