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Hur ser man skillnad på Hökfisk, hane/hona?


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Har sökt vidare i ämnet i väntan på något svar här och hittade då följande text på denna sidan:

Fascinating Sex Reversal

Hawkfish are generally not sexually dichromatic. According to present research, they are hermaphrodites initially and change to female when becoming sexually mature. If required by the circumstances, they can change their sex later. The males of some species form harems with several females and guard them with utmost attention. Under special conditions, Longnose Hawkfish may also live in the flatter areas of the reef and, from time to time, form pairs.

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Hawkfish are protogynous hermaphrodites, with the ability to change sex from female to male. It is hard to differentiate between the sexes and very difficult to breed them in captivity.

Slutsatsen man då kan dra är att de kan byta kön vid behov. Frågan är om de gör det i ett akvarium också?

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