Laggeman Postat 18 juni 2009 Postat 18 juni 2009, äter ofta algfilmen på sten och övrig inredning, men de verkar inte överleva jättelänge på enbart detta. Citera
Laggeman Postat 18 juni 2009 Postat 18 juni 2009 Översatt från Reeflex med Babelfish:This red sea-star comes of the Maldives and needs like many other animals a well brought in basin with many living stones. Like other Fromia kinds, he can be kept however in the long term hardly alive. That is surely because of the fact that we cannot offer in the aquarium that to them, which they find in the sea at food, so that they disappear sometime simply (verhungern). Even in large basins with plentifully Microfauna and much auxiliary food the attitude does not succeed. Fromia Seesterne are beautiful, but unfortunately food specialists!!! If one holds these kinds nevertheless, one should offer at least much additional vegetable and animal food (like e.g. Spirulinatabletten etc.). With none (!) the Fromia kinds are us so far attitude successes admits become, which go over years. If nevertheless, we ask around adding simply a comment: -) With the purchase of sea-stars is generally valid: One should observe the animal exactly. If one is uncertain over its condition, the animal please under water " on the Rücken" to turn leave. The sea-star should turn within short time (approx. 2 to 3 minutes) again automatically. Slow-acting animals or copies with open places should not be bought. Careful slow Umgewöhnen is highest obligation! Citera
Laggeman Postat 18 juni 2009 Postat 18 juni 2009 Är det inte dessa som äter andra sjötjärnor?Protoreaster linckii - Översatt från Reeflex med Babelfish:This kind is absolutely unsuitable for a corral reef basin, because it eats as good as everything and is a little discriminating: Algae, Krustenanemonen, Gorgonien, Weichkorallen, tube worms, shells, snails, cancers, small sea-stars and sea-hedgehogs… This roller star eats, if it is hungry, everything at low animals, which " it under; Sauger" comes. In pure fish basins it is quite durable when good and purposeful feeding. However fish can be overwhelmed also here and eaten at night in the sleep. If sea-stars are injured, which is caused frequently by bad water quality, they serve for nearly all other co-inhabitants than welcome fodder - particularly for crustaceans. Citera
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