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köpte den utan att riktigt veta vad det är men har gissat på att det är någon form av cocon worm...men den har inte krypit ur sitt håll än.

men den har därimot släppt ut ett typ av slemnät som ligger och irreterar korallen ovan?

(har haft den i 4dagar nu)

precis nu när jag sitter och skriver så får jag se att han drar in sitt nät med typ en mun :)



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En kalkrörmask av något slag, när/om den är välmående och tittar fram ser den ut något i stil med nedanstående


okey :)

men vad är det han pysslar med isånnafall,håller han på att samla ihop matrial till att bygga ut röret kanske?

har aldrigt sett mina andra rörmaskar kasta ut nät.

han är ju ganska stor oxå, kan garanterat lägga in en enkrona i röret..



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Fel av mig Jimmy. En timme after att jag skrev ovanstående hittade jag denna info. Det du har är garanterat att betraka som "rare".

My supplier called me up and asked me if there was such a thing as a cocoworm that had no feathers, instead looking more like a snail. After I told him that there is no such thing as a "headless" cocoworm, my supplier jumped up and down telling me that it was a snail in a cocoworm's body. I asked how many pieces he had. He said that he only had 10 pieces but can get more. I told him to save all ten pieces and I would go take a look.

Worm+shell+2.JPGBy gosh darn it! My supplier was right, it looked like a snail or a slug had made a home inside a cocoworm's empty shell. However upon close observation, it seemed that this snail or a slug or a nudibranch was meant to be housed in this calcareous circular shell. It never comes out to eat so how does it survive? All the snails and slugs that I know need to graze on something for nutrition.

Worm+shell+3.JPGAfter a night of observation, I was convinced that this strange animal never came out and nature intended it to be stationary. After doing some research I learned that this strange snail (it is a true snail) is called a worm shell. It secretes calcareous enzymes to make the shell and forms a web to catch plankton! Holy mackerel that is just too cool! Unlike most snails though, this cool little buddy lacks the operculum (the hard structure that snails use as a door to protect itself).

Wow, the mystery had been solved. But still what to call this new discovery? I have nick named it "spiderman worm", as it spins a web and lives in a tube like a worm.

Just tells you how diverse the reef life is in Indonesia. I must say that the worm shell is pretty rare as no one has seen it before in Indo. The fishermen who found it must have gotten lucky and found a small batch. I'm sure that we will see more of this very cool creature being available in the hobby soon!

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