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FaunaMarin Ultra LPS Grow - någon som använder?


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Såg att Fauna Marin kommit med ett foder för LPS-koraller. Är det någon som testat det? Är det vanliga pellets eller vad är det?

Natural plancton, combined with special proteins are the formula for success. Our new food was created especially for keeping

coloured LPS corals.2 x weekly feed the particles direct to the corals. Shutdown your pumps and place one particel by Polyp to each coral.


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Blev lite nyfiken och googlade på detta:

Fauna marin has a new LPS food formula that is said to increase the growth of your LPS corals. Fauna Marin lists several additional features of this food versus others including a “Soft granule” size which “protects the corals when they are eating them”. The new LPS food includes a new Trace Element and organic mix giving the coral better colors and growth, including a new processing technology to protect the ingredients in the food. Finally, they use a rare raw oil based from plankton that gives the power for “growth” and “coloration” with a high amount of proteins in such foods. This new LPS food will be great for Azoox type corals along with others.

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