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Dimmbara drivare till gamal maxspect?

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Vad tror ni om möjligheten att byta originalkontrollenheten för en 110W Maxspect G2 mot dimmbara meanwell från rapidled.com? Går det tror ni?

Har ju skaffat mig en profilux och är väldigt sugen att köra maxspecten med den (gryning/skymning och molnsimulering).



"I supposed if you could find out which wires go to the individual bank of leds,

you could just cut them and have them powered by a dimmable meanwell. However,

each bank of the G2 110 has 18 leds run in series on the same circuit board. If

you have to use the MW which only run up to 12-14 led max, you need two of them.

Here is the problem and things start to get hairy, you need to separate the

circuit board of the maxspect to create 2 groups of 9 leds. If you can find a

dimmable driver which can power up to 18 leds in series, you are golden."

Jaha, några ideér?

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