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I would really appreciate all feedback.
Finally I have started assembling my tank and now working with sump phase. It has been on hold for three years since priories changed with new born back then and I have been stuck few days with how to setup the baffles in the sump to have silent water flow from one section to the other with different water height levels.

Whole setup is like in pic_01
Quick facts
Left to right
1- Fuge 50*40*40=80L
2-Media/Frag section~38*30*40=45L
3- Return section 30*40*20=24L
4- Pump off=24L back from overflow+display tank
5- return section will hold half of the water when pump is
off and section 2 and 3 will hold the rest.
The skimmer outlet will be above the water
level when pump is off
6- Main tank is 350L total water volume with main drain
and emergency drain and over the back return line from



I need help with how high and how many the baffles should be deployed to support the water height level in each section

1- Return section (Fuge) pic_02
Planning to go with Triton method and hence having about 20% of total water volume in first section for fuge. In order to reach that 10-20% (Aiming at 20% when possible), water height should be around 40cm high. Over baffle to section 2

Water height in section 1 is 40 cm and in section 2 is 30, this will cause noise with the waterfall over the baffle. A second under baffle would be required here I assume? or even a 3rd over baffle?`The goal is to have silent water flow from section 1 to section 2 with water height 40cm in first and 30cm in second.



Section 2 pic_03
will host the skimmer return pump, media reactors and thought maybe to have some live rock and frag racks. Water height is 30 cm here. According to triton method, the 2nd baffle before 2nd section should be under to give more time for the skimmer to catch nutrias as much as possible.

Same as Question_0, what baffle setup required between section 2 and 3 to have silent water flow and 30cm water height is 2nd and 20cm in 3rd section?



3-Return section pic_04
Hosting the skimmer body only and the return pump to display tank. Water level is 20cm but maybe lowering to to 15cm



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