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Iks Pumpar


Rekommenderade inlägg

Dessa pumpar vad jag fattat kopplas bara in på en dimmbar styrskena och man får bara plats med 4st skenor så 16 pumpar

7.6.5 The current simulation

For a lot of functions incorporated into the current simulation, at least one variableoutput

socket panel and at least one thyristor-controlled, variable-output current pump with an asynchrous motor is required.

The iks aquastar turbo current pumps are ideal for such applications and operate even with the shortest impulse intervals (e.g. to create waves) highly reliably for many years.

Synchronous pumps can not be regulated. These pumps can only be turned on or off. Theoretically, you can control up to 16 pumps with the iks aquastar.

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