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Tunze stream 6060 med Aquamedic wavemaker?

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Guest Gäst

6060 är inte reglerbar... Det enda man kan göra är att stoppa/starta den.

Skulle inte tro att det är en bra ide att köra den på en AquaMedic wavemaker. Bättre att skaffa ett Tunze Stream kit med pump och styrenhet

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enligt vad som står i beskrivningen till den så verkar den göra mycket mera

The Aqua Medic Wave is a microprocessor based controller that can operate up to three circulation pump circuits and one filter pump circuit, to simulate natural surge and wave effects. The Wave can activate the pumps in 8 different programs to simulate many different current patterns. Between zero and three pumps operate at any one time. The activation frequency can be adjusted. The fourth channel (filter pump) runs continuously but when feeding the aquarium's inhabitants, especially invertebrates with planktonic food, a feeding pause button can be activated which stops all the pumps, including the filter pump, for approximately 10 minutes. An integrated light sensor ensures that during darkness no more than one circulation pump is active at any time. Each channel can be used for Ocean Runner pumps or powerheads up to a loading of 100 watts.

om det nu inte finns flera olika modeller ,verkar vara samma som en troptronic modell jag haft

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