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Om jag minns rätt så påverkas saliniteten av temperaturen på vattnet. Emellertid kommer jag inte ihåg om låg vatten temp ger hög salinitet eller tvärtom, någon som vet?

Mvh Thomas


Så här hänger det ihop ;)

The Practical Salinity Scale of 1978 is now the official definition:

S =

0.0080 - 0.1692 K151/2 + 25.3851 K15 + 14.0941 K153/2

-7.0261 K152 + 2.7081 K155/2


K15 =

C (S,15,0) / C (KCl,15,0)


2 ≤ S ≤ 42

where C (S, 15, 0) is the conductivity of the sea-water sample at a temperature of 15°C and standard atmospheric pressure, and C (KCl, t, 0) is the conductivity of the standard potassium chloride (KCl) solution at a temperature of 15°C and standard atmospheric pressure. The standard KCl solution contains a mass of 32.435 6 grams of KCl in a mass of 1.000 000kg of solution.

Lewis (1980) gives additional equations for calculating salinity at other temperatures:

S =

0.0080 - 0.1692 Rt1/2 + 25.3851 Rt + 14.0941 Rt3/2

-7.0261 Rt2 + 2.7081 Rt5/2 + ΔS


Rt =

C (S,t,0) / C (KCl,t,0)

ΔS =

[(t - 15) / (1 + 0.0162(t - 15))] (0.0005 - 0.0056 Rt1/2 - 0.0066 Rt

- 0.0375 Rt3/2 + 0.636 Rt2 - 0.0144 Rt5/2 )


An extension of (6.4) gives salinity at any pressure (see Millero 1996: 72).

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