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The Practical Salinity Scale of 1978 is now the official definition:

S =

0.0080 - 0.1692 K151/2 + 25.3851 K15 + 14.0941 K153/2

-7.0261 K152 + 2.7081 K155/2


K15 =

C (S,15,0) / C (KCl,15,0)


2 ≤ S ≤ 42

where C (S, 15, 0) is the conductivity of the sea-water sample at a temperature of 15°C and standard atmospheric pressure, and C (KCl, t, 0) is the conductivity of the standard potassium chloride (KCl) solution at a temperature of 15°C and standard atmospheric pressure. The standard KCl solution contains a mass of 32.435 6 grams of KCl in a mass of 1.000 000kg of solution.

Lewis (1980) gives additional equations for calculating salinity at other temperatures:

S =

0.0080 - 0.1692 Rt1/2 + 25.3851 Rt + 14.0941 Rt3/2

-7.0261 Rt2 + 2.7081 Rt5/2 + ΔS


Rt =

C (S,t,0) / C (KCl,t,0)

ΔS =

[(t - 15) / (1 + 0.0162(t - 15))] (0.0005 - 0.0056 Rt1/2 - 0.0066 Rt

- 0.0375 Rt3/2 + 0.636 Rt2 - 0.0144 Rt5/2 )


An extension of (6.4) gives salinity at any pressure (see Millero 1996: 72).

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