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Har precis inskaffat en sån här trevlig dvärgkejsare och vill gärna höra om vad ni har för erfarenheter av den.

Nått som jag gärna vill veta är om den går att ha ihop med andra dvärgkejsare utan att det blir för mycket bråk.

Mvh Michael


Kanske detta kan vara till hjälp??


Maintenance difficulty:

The Keyhole Angelfish is moderately difficult to keep.


It is important that you feed angelfish all kinds of live, frozen, and prepared formula foods. Pygmy angelfish are known to eat mostly algae in the wild, so a diet rich in vegetable matter is essential. There are several good commercial foods available including Formula II and Angel Formula.

Habitat: Natural geographic location:

The Keyhole Angelfish is found in shallow lagoon waters and coastal reefs around southern Queensland, New South Wales, Northern Territory, and off Western Australia. It is also found around the Moluccas, Philippines, Hew Hebrides and most of the Indo-Australian Archipelago. In the north it's range extends to Taiwan and southern Japan.

Natural Foods:

Not found.

Social Behaviors:

Keyhole Angelfish shouldn't be kept with others of its own species or genus as it can become belligerent.

Sexual differences:


Light: Recommended light levels:

No special requirements.


Not accomplished in captivity.


No special requirements. Normal temperatures for marine fish lies between 75 and 79 degrees.

Length/Diameter of fish:

Keyhole Angelfish adults can grow to 18.5 cm. This is the largest angelfish of this genus (Centropyge).

Minimum Tank Length/Size:

A minimum 50 gallon aquarium is recommended.

Water Movement: Weak, Moderate, Strong

No special requirements.

Water Region:

Top, Middle, Bottom

No special requirements.


This fish is generally available from time to time.


det är en lugn o fin dvärgkejsare som faktiskt blir rätt stor.har en del erfarehet av denna, och dem jag har haft har inte vatt på några som helst koraller eller lägre djur, men man vet aldrig, bråkar brukar den inte göra, äter det du ger den. en kanonfirre helt enkelt.

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