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Sry but started with complaining here on a specific shop selling bad fish where the cost of the fish is like 5% of the cost to start a aquarium. What test has been preformed before populating it with a fish? And question from me is why take this here and not with the shop that sold that fish? Still a clownfish can handle high values of nitrates but lowering these is a high prio for everyone. Note that this is just my opinion regarding this matter.

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Sry but started with complaining here on a specific shop selling bad fish where the cost of the fish is like 5% of the cost to start a aquarium. What test has been preformed before populating it with a fish? And question from me is why take this here and not with the shop that sold that fish? Still a clownfish can handle high values of nitrates but lowering these is a high prio for everyone. Note that this is just my opinion regarding this matter.

My problem was not with the cost of the fish by all means. My question was about the quality of the stores available here in Stockholm. That question originated because of the bad livestock that I bought. So I wanted to know if you guys had any bad experiences also.

From what I have read fish can handle much higher nitrates than what was in my aquarium. And yes I agree that keeping good water parameters is/should be a high priority for everyone.

I dont get why you are you being sarcastic?? Dont you have anything better to do?

No sarcasm (well, a little bit but you have to give us that one ;)).

Really I would have bought new live rock and restarted with that small tank.


I bought liverock from a local shop that has freshwater only so my rock was never seen, worst mistake ever but now they are good acording to me. After that i always pick them my self and then its my fault so to say. Bought some softcorall and it came with green bobble alge.


To: Blåbert


Nehhh.. I think I will just let it run as it is. Let it mature. Three months is not that long anyways. The parasite will be gone and then I can make all LFS here in stockholm rich! (or skatteverket that is..)

I am sure Triton will help you whit a new Clown.

I can pay it for you.


Start saving, I'll be back in three months.

Why should you wait 3 months before putting in any fish?

MVH Lasse

Det sägs att brooklynella kräver fisklöst i 10-12 veckor för att försvinna ur akvariet.


Do you have any link to this Daniel - all I can see is that brooklynella has a direct livecycle and normaly if a parasite has this they do not survey for a prolonged time without a host.

@ White Tang - how do you know that it is brooklynella? Only from symptoms? and if so - which symptoms?

MVH Lasse

Do you have any link to this Daniel - all I can see is that brooklynella has a direct livecycle and normaly if a parasite has this they do not survey for a prolonged time without a host.

@ White Tang - how do you know that it is brooklynella? Only from symptoms? and if so - which symptoms?

MVH Lasse

At first I didnt know what the fish had so I assumed it was some disease. I started reading about marine fish disease and my fish had ALL of these symptoms. You can read all about brooklynella here: http://www.americanaquariumproducts.com/oodinium.html

Its a very fast disease. The parasite has 4 stages and if a Display Tank was infected like mine it is best to wait 10-12 weeks fallow (no fish in the tank) so that the parasite dies.

Why should you wait 3 months before putting in any fish?

MVH Lasse

Its a real bummer but thats what I read in multiple sites about this disease/parasite. Some say that its ok to put in fish after 4 weeks but thats a 50-50 chance that I dont want to take. Its best to wait 10-12 weeks to be sure the parasite is gone. Besides this will give my tank some time to mature :)

Nope, verkar finnas väldigt lite hård fakta ang brooklynella. Det är hobbyisters teorier som gett upphov till 10-12v, jag tror som dig att brook har en direkt livscykel och försvinner ganska omgående.

Här är WT's beskrivning av symptomen:


PS. WhiteTang kan läsa svenska.

Yes I can some swedish :)


Jag tvivlar på att det är Brooklynella och om det skulle vara det så behöver du inte vänta 3 månader - en eller två veckor bör räcka. Parasiten har en direkt livscykel - se här, här och här. Vore intressant att se dina källor som tydligen säger något annat. Min erfarenhet säger att symptom inte räcker för att fastställa rätt sjukdom hos fisk. Symptomen för många olika sjukdomar är väldigt lika. Speciellt många sjukdomar orsakade av parasiter. Jag har bara sett din beskrivning av symptomen i sent stadie.

Rapid breathing, gills look swollen, washed out color, "broken" fins and hangs out at the Surface.
Detta är gemensamt för många sjukdomar inklusive akut ammoniakförgiftning. Ditt akvarium har gåt 1 månad innan du stoppade i en fisk - har du mätt upp en nitrittop som sedan gått ner eller har vattnet varit lika bra hela tiden? Nitraten spelar som du säger ingen roll.

MVH Lasse

Jag tvivlar på att det är Brooklynella och om det skulle vara det så behöver du inte vänta 3 månader - en eller två veckor bör räcka. Parasiten har en direkt livscykel - se här, här och här. Vore intressant att se dina källor som tydligen säger något annat. Min erfarenhet säger att symptom inte räcker för att fastställa rätt sjukdom hos fisk. Symptomen för många olika sjukdomar är väldigt lika. Speciellt många sjukdomar orsakade av parasiter. Jag har bara sett din beskrivning av symptomen i sent stadie. Detta är gemensamt för många sjukdomar inklusive akut ammoniakförgiftning. Ditt akvarium har gåt 1 månad innan du stoppade i en fisk - har du mätt upp en nitrittop som sedan gått ner eller har vattnet varit lika bra hela tiden? Nitraten spelar som du säger ingen roll.

MVH Lasse

I left my tank cycle with live rock and live sand for a little more than a monthsbefore I added any livestock. I checked the water almost every day and the results I got were always ammonia and nitrites 0. Only nitrates would go up until I made a water change. Throughout the cycling process I had been ghost feeding the tank so I could build up the beneficial bacteria and have them ready to handle the bio load of live stock. It was definitely not a water problem.

This is my first saltwater tank and I am no expert. Before I came to any conclusions that it is brooks I had to read about most saltwater fish disease. I would be happy to show you where from I got the 10-12 month fallow (no fish) period for brooks but I need to see my browsers history first. The thing is that I didn't just read the opinion of some forum user. Of course I asked other people about brooks and of course I read the experience other people had with the same situation (brooks). Everybody is pointing to a 10-12 weeks fallow period. I also read that 4weeks are enough but that is taking a risk.

The links you gave me say absolutely nothing about a reef tank that had the parasite introduced and how to get rid of it. You might want to read them. Also the reason I think it is brooks and not any other disease is because of the rapid decline of the fishes health. So I can't be 100% sure but everything points toBrooks.

What is your personal experience with brooks?


I forgot to tell you about the nitrites. No I did not register any nitrite spike whatsoever. But I think I would have caught it since as I told you I test my water every day.

How much circulation do you have? Skimmer? Any other pumped filter?

Did you add any bacteria during the cauring?

I have an mp10 for circulation and no skimmer. I decided not to add a skimmer because the tank is so small and do 20% weekly water changes. No I did not use any bacteria during the cycling but I did use live rock and live sand.

i have two canister filters that have floss (for free floating detritus) purigen and a lot of matrix (bio media for extra surface area for the nitrifying bacteria)




Nu skriver jag på svenska för jag vet att du kan svenska ganska bra.

Du värkar inte ha riktigt koll på läget.

Du var hemma hos mig och fick köpa koraller för värde av ca 2000 för 500 kr.

Sen skivkar du sms och säjer att jag smittat dinna fiska pga minna koraller ????

Är absolut säker på att Triton inte sålt nån dålig fisk.

Vad du drabbats av vet jag ej, men en seriösare akvarie affär än Triton är svårt att hitta.

Tycker att dinna anklagelser är väldigt låga.


Nu skriver jag på svenska för jag vet att du kan svenska ganska bra.

Du värkar inte ha riktigt koll på läget.

Du var hemma hos mig och fick köpa koraller för värde av ca 2000 för 500 kr.

Sen skivkar du sms och säjer att jag smittat dinna fiska pga minna koraller ????

Är absolut säker på att Triton inte sålt nån dålig fisk.

Vad du drabbats av vet jag ej, men en seriösare akvarie affär än Triton är svårt att hitta.

Tycker att dinna anklagelser är väldigt låga.


Hej Thomas!

i did not accuse you that I got brooklynela from you. I sent you an SMS asking you if your fish are doing ok because I had this incident with brooks. Of course I asked you because I might got it from you. You may also got it from someone else and I just wanted to be sure. When I mentioned you here I also mentioned that I seriously doubt that I got it from you because all your fish looked great just as your tank!

You and some other people have suggested that I might had a water problem since it is impossible that I got brooks from someone else.

Don't you think that the trochus snails would be the first organisms to die in my tank if it was a water problem?

or maybe that the corals I got from you would die also?

From what I have read, of all the organisms that I mentioned, the hardiest regarding water quality, would be the tank bred clownfish. Also, on multiple occasions, I have said that I test my water almost every day. If there was anything wrong (ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, ph, kh, ca,mg, temperature) I would have known.

i don't remember if I mentioned that I did a fresh water dip before the fish died. Besides the white spots on the fish, when I dipped the fish in freshwater I saw the spot fall off. So unles a water problem has similar symptoms like brooks or ich or any parasite disease then it is not a water problem.



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