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Har väldigt svårt med att få till ett tystare akvarium. Det bullrar massor i returdelen ned till sumpen, vänstra röret av de 2 avrinningsrören( vattnet kluckar och låter) min sambo som jobbar hemma sitter i detta varje dag och med ett Tinitus öra tycker hon det bullrar för mycket. Kan man få ned oljudet med att sänka vattennivån eller kan det finnas nått bra annat knep?


one of the 2 drains is an emergency drain and in normal situations no water should come out of that one. 

sound in drain means that your water level in the overflow box is low...you can either ramp up the return pimp if you have DC pump or close down the valve on the return pipe.

water level in the overflow box should not be lower than 5 cm from water level in the aquarium. 



you can also try and clean the diaphragm valve or better yet change it with a gate valve,



6 timmar sedan, farham60 skrev:

one of the 2 drains is an emergency drain and in normal situations no water should come out of that one. 

sound in drain means that your water level in the overflow box is low...you can either ramp up the return pimp if you have DC pump or close down the valve on the return pipe.

water level in the overflow box should not be lower than 5 cm from water level in the aquarium. 


Hi and thank you for the tips. Waterlevel is 8.5 cm right now This afternoon when i cleaned the valve the waterlevel was right at the edge of the emergency pipe and after the cleaning it is 8.5 and i have no clue why. I watched a video on Youtube and i am wondering if the emergencypipe should be higher or lower than the owerflow. right now they are even. is that ok?

Hi and thank you for the tips. Waterlevel is 8.5 cm right now This afternoon when i cleaned the valve the waterlevel was right at the edge of the emergency pipe and after the cleaning it is 8.5 and i have no clue why. I watched a video on Youtube and i am wondering if the emergencypipe should be higher or lower than the owerflow. right now they are even. is that ok?
Emergency pipe should be taller than the main overflow.

Sent from my SM-G973F using Tapatalk

10 timmar sedan, farham60 skrev:

Emergency pipe should be taller than the main overflow.

Sent from my SM-G973F using Tapatalk

Thats my thougt to. My pipes are at the same hight. Need to empty the box tonight and see if i can cut the main pipe. As it is a stock system they should be at a diffrent length when you screw them down. Thanks again 👍

4 minutes ago, Hanko61 said:

Thats my thougt to. My pipes are at the same hight. Need to empty the box tonight and see if i can cut the main pipe. As it is a stock system they should be at a diffrent length when you screw them down. Thanks again 👍

I dont think thats a good idea to cut the pipes...they must be correct from beginning...


1 timme sedan, farham60 skrev:

I dont think thats a good idea to cut the pipes...they must be correct from beginning...


I can see and understand the picture. so i wonder why mine are at the same level. I need to check if i got them wrong from the begining. Thanks for the pic. Very helpful.


could be that you mixed them up together and they are not in correct place.

good luck.

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