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Tropic Marin Pro-Coral K+ A- Elements


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Tropic Marin Pro-Coral A- Elements

In the natural marine environment, essential trace elements exist in both anionic (negative) and cationic (positive) forms. With two complimentary solutions, PRO-CORAL K+ ELEMENTS and PRO-CORAL A- ELEMENTS supply the aquarium with all of the essential trace elements. The two solution approach guarantees optimum availability of the compounds and avoids unwanted reactions of the elements with each other.

Essential anionic trace element supplement for marine aquariums

Trace Elements are natural minerals, which have essential functions in many of the biological processes of living organisms. A severe trace element deficiency can lead to bleaching of corals. One trace element with particularly diverse associations is Iodine. It is often a component of hormones and strengthens the skeletal structures of sponges, gorgonias and crabs. There are no substitutions for trace elements, therefore, it is essential that all trace elements be added to the aquarium in a naturally balanced mixture.

TROPIC MARIN PRO-CORAL A- ELEMENTS is carefully formulated to support the healthy and continuous growth in the reef aquarium by replenishing all the essential anionic trace elements used by corals, invertebrates and algae.

PRO-CORAL A- ELEMENTS contains no phos-phates, chelates and other unnatural solvents.

PRO-CORAL A- ELEMENTS adds the following anionic trace elements to the aquarium:

vanadium, molybdenum, selenium, fluorine, bromine, iodine, lithium.

Tropic Marin Pro-Coral K+ Elements

In the natural marine environment, essential trace elements exist in both anionic (negative) and cationic (positive) forms. With two complimentary solutions, PRO-CORAL K+ ELEMENTS and PRO-CORAL A- ELEMENTS supply the aquarium with all of the essential trace elements. The two solution approach guarantees optimum availability of the compounds and avoids unwanted reactions of the elements with each other.

Trace Elements are natural minerals, which have essential functions in many of the biological processes of living organisms. Many cationic trace elements are associated with enzymes. These enzymes are not able to function properly without their associated trace element present.

Several trace elements are involved in photosynthesis while other trace elements support building and stabilization of calcareous skeletons. A severe trace element deficiency can lead to bleaching of corals. There are no substitutions for trace elements, therefore, it is essential that all trace elements be added to the aquarium in a naturally balanced mixture.

TROPIC MARIN PRO-CORAL K+ ELEMENTS is carefully formulated to support the healthy and continuous growth in the reef aquarium by replenishing all the essential cationic trace elements used by corals, invertebrates and algae.

PRO-CORAL K+ ELEMENTS contains no phos-phates, chelates and other unnatural solvents.

PRO-CORAL K+ ELEMENTS adds the following cationic trace elements to the aquarium:

strontium, barium, chrome, manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, boron.

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Jo det hade varit intressant att veta vad just "DU" tillsätter i karet. Föruttsätter att de flesta här har koll på Ca, Kh och Mg, men sen då? Det finns ju Grotec ABC, Korallenzuchts Aminosyror, Kaliumkonzentrat, Kaliumjod, Järn, Stylo pocci glow, Vodka, Zeolit, aktivt kol, osv.....

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Jag använder båda + T.M. "Pro Coral Iodine". Tillsätter det lite sporadiskt när jag kommer ihåg, och strax under rekommenderad dos. Allt verkar ju trivas, men jag kan ju inte påstå att jag märker nån OTROLIG skillnad om jag skulle köra utan 1 vecka eller 2. Det verkar inte göra nåt värre i alla fall. Vet inte hur nödvändigt det är med alla dessa tillsatser vi häller i våra akvarier. Det finns ju folk som bara gör regelbundna vattenbyten (+kalciumtillsats) och får allt att funka tip top.

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