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  1. Aha, e de så de visste jag faktiskt inte. Mötte en kille på marinakvariet som hade fått en spricka i glaset på sin mh. Där ljuset läckt ut genom glaset hade de gjort en vit fläck som en laserstråle på hans LS. Men de måste vart för att där inte var nåt glas alls då.
  2. Bara lampan till Ql-40 ligger på 1200 kr i sverige
  3. Den där hade jag inte hängt över karet utan att byta skyddsglaset mot ett uv blockande.
  4. Jag vet att tanken är han kommer ha pumpar Uvc kalkreaktor och massa annat på erbjudande. I annonsen tar han ju 2500 för ett lifeguard QL-40 de e ju bara å söka å kolla om det är ett bra pris.
  5. Marinakvariet har några få inne nu. Men de krävs nog tålamod för att få igång dem i färgerna. När han tog in dessa så var de sargade av importen och har inte kommit ikapp sej ännu. Men i ett hemma i ett kar och lite omsorg så färgar dessa säker ut vackert dom med. Jag kommer försöka mej på att få fram ett gäng i ett litet kar ägnat åt att fragga dessa så jag hoppas kunna dela med mej senare.
  6. Tjena Magnus, Jag förstår att prisfrågan är väldigt intressant men som läget är nu så kan jag inte dela med mej av det nu.
  7. Ja dessa kar är tillverkade helt och hållet i glas. Jag håller för tillfället på att sammanställa en produktkatalog till återförsäljare om Diametrar sumpar bänkar osv. Hoppas på att ha det ute i butik inom snar framtid. Söker du någon speciell storlek på akvarium så skicka mej ett PM.
  8. Ramper,pumar,skummare,kalkreaktorer,fosfatreaktorer,Kalkmixers,nitratreaktorer,ozongeneratorer,akvariedatorer kommer att finnas i de butiker som köper in dessa produkter av mej. Det är inget som ingår i paketet så att säga men butikerna kan säkert hjälpa till att förse dig med vad du letar efter. Det finns alldeles för många olika smaker o åsikter om dessa tillbehör så de lämnar jag åt kund eller kunnig personal i butik att välja. Ett helt komplett paket hade inte passat många att handla ändå utan de flesta har något de kan passa in i denna setup. De hade dessutom rört sej om summor som aqua medic och deltecs färdiga lösningar om det varit komplett och marknaden för detta är väldigt liten.
  9. kommer försöka mej på 6 olika modeller i olika storlekar varav den största är på ca 700 liter
  10. när sps hysterin har lugnat sej kanske de kan bli lite ricordea
  11. De flesta butiker jag vart å pratat mej varm om dessa ricordeor så har jag fått svaret att de kommer pytte små på en ändå mindre sten o säljs nästan aldrig. Måste bli ändring på dom signalerna jag hade mer än gärna haft en liten ricordea rabatt i mitt akvarium dom e ju helt vansinnigt fina.
  12. Klart jag vet pris men än så länge måste jag suga hårt på karamellen Timmy. Tyvärr
  13. Svårt å säga om den kommer klara sej eller inte anemoner har ju en förmåga att se fruktansvärt risiga ut när de beger sig. Ibland återhämtar dom sej mirakulöst. Har sett exempel som sett långt mycke värre ut en denna som klarat sej. Kommer ihåg men egna jag hade när jag var 15 som bytte vatten o såg tråkig ut med jämna mellanrum men härdade ut väldigt länge tills nybörjarklanten Ted köpte Zoobutiken Drakfiskens (Låg mittemot Universeum för länge sedan) maskot. En bjässe drakfisk som slukade både en flavecens och försökte tugga i sej min anemon. De var mitt första kar som gick åt skogen då var de katastrof idag kan jag skratta åt det. En rolig detalj med krashen var att jag efter fick rådet att slänga allt jag hade för att drakfisken var så giftig. Om man bara hade vetat vad men vet idag så hade de inte vart så svettigt att starta om.
  14. Ta med den till Bengans Öppet hus i morgon o köp Knop´s bok där.
  15. Här har du några av de Bornemans referenser ifall du skulle ändra dig. http://forum.marinedepot.com/Topic46786-13-1.aspx
  16. Svärd, du tror inte du kan avvara en av dina kronjuveler ??? Håller på att bygga en liten propageringstank av en av tricklefilterna jag hade på vinden.
  17. Ricordea yuma coral are great additions to your reef tank. My most favorite of all Ricordea are Ricordea yuma. Ricordea yuma live coral originate in the Indo-Pacific region. Ricordea yuma is typically larger than its cousin Ricordea florida. Typical Ricordea yuma live coral appear in greens and oranges of various intensities. Rare specimens the live coral may be deep red and/or hot pink. The spirocysts on Ricordia yuma live coral appear to vary, in size, shape and density from Ricordea florida live coral. Another noted difference between Ricordea yuma live coral and Ricordea florida live coral are disk colorations. Ricordea yuma shows only some minor variation in disk color while Ricordea can have 6 or more colors. Pictured above is a green Ricordea yuma specimen, the coral base streaked purple and pink. One of my personal favorites. From my experience Ricordea yuma live coral requires more general care than Ricordea florida especially when propagating. Ricordea yuma are fairly hardy in captivity and will live for years in the reef aquarium They are safe with fish and other coral though some caution should be used as Yuma live coral can burn other coral when close contact is made. The R. yuma live coral feed by through the process of photosynthesis. They are also able to filter feed. Ricordea yuma spirocysts can trap small food and the disk can retract to push the food to the mouth of the Ricordea yuma live coral. Pictured above in a close-up view are 100% aquaculture Ricordea yuma live coral. Nearly 1000 of this aquaculture live coral were distributed in both retail and wholesale markets. Working with Ricordea yuma live coral is challenging and culturing it is demanding but it is time well spent.
  18. Florida Ricordea Mushroom Coral are beautiful and fascinating new tenants for your reef aquarium. Florida Ricordea Mushroom Coral are indigenous to the Caribbean region and contrary to popular belief require much more intense aquarium lighting to sustain a vibrant appearance. Ths coral is closely related to Ricordea yuma far to the east in the Indo-Pacific region of the world which consequently does poor under intense aquarium lighting. The Ricordea florida is smaller than its cousin yuma. Florida Ricordea mushrooms appear in a spectrum of colors and different intensities. Unlike its cousin Ricordia florida, Ricordia yuma is typically green or orange with a few rare specimens of this live mushroom coral showing deep reds and hot pinks. Even the most vibrant of yumas can literally melt away under the same intense aquarium lighting that sustains the florida. In the photo above is a specimen of Ricordea florida that I have been cultivating for years, I have been keeping the specimen 2 foot under a 250w metal halide, within 4 inches of the water surface. Florida Ricordea are hardy and should live in a reef aquarium for many many years. Compatible with all reef fish and most other live coral, care should be taken as it can burn other corals if it makes direct contact. Florida Ricordea feed by photosynthesis, the process of converting your aquarium or natural light, carbon dioxide and water into nutrients. The florida Ricordea mushroom coral may also filter feed. Using spirocysts to capture minute particles of food the Ricordea and the disks then push the food into the mouth. Florida Ricordea are more readily available and less expensive then its eastern relative , Ricordea yuma. Ricordea yuma is a more rare and costly mushroom coral than florida, discosoma, or rhodactis. Pictures above are Florida Ricordea mushroom coral 100% cultured at my aquafarm. Working and culturing Florida Ricordea is a fun and exciting challenge. Remember your aquarium lighting will play a critical role in the Ricordea florida coloration.
  19. Aquarium lighting for Ricordea is of primary importance and key element for a successful Ricordea husbandry. There are many different aquarium lighting configurations out there to pick from choosing can be difficult. I can tell you from diving the sunlight is intense even at depths well below the surface. Ricordea are sensitive to light especially quick changes in light. Just like any other coral some of the most intense colors need intense aquarium light to maintain appearance. I am a firm believer in Metal halide aquarium lighting for Ricordea keeping. In a semi-commercial environment you need the lights pretty high off the tank and Metal Halide is your best bet for your investment. Even more important, as you see above, is to incorporate natural sunlight into your aquaculture or reef system. This shot was taken at mid-day, and you can barely see these 400w Metal Halide aquarium lights burning. The addition of sunlight to your aquarium can create an almost miraculous result with regard to growth, coloration and healing. If your sunlight is high intensity all year round you can lean towards a deep blue bulb like a 20k. If you have lower level sunlight a 14k or 12k will do fine. I have, in the past, used Power Compact and VHO actinic aquairum lighting to supplement the Metal Halide bulbs but in the long run found no real value. The aesthetic appearance at mid day was hardly noticed. The Ricordea yuma seems far more sensitive to aquarium and natural light than the Ricordea florida. As a general rule of thumbs I keep Ricordea yuma off to the sides, especially for the first month. When introducing Deep Red and Deep Orange Ricordea yuma to a reef tank I tend to slowly move them toward the center a bit each week. This method promotes brightening after two months or so. All Ricordea cuttings line the sides of the tank and are under indirect lighting for 8 weeks.
  20. Ricordea Mushroom Coral aquaculture or any Mushroom Coral aquaculture should be confined to dedicated systems. Each tank being a closed system dedicated to one specific type of Mushroom Coral. I do not even attempt to mix Rhodactis and Ricordea Mushroom Corals. In my aquafarm facility. While it may not necessarily be detrimental to mix species of live Mushroom Coral I have the space so it seemed the prudent approach. Second area of concern is water quality. Concentration in maintain the highest possible water quality. The aquaculture tank should have excellent water circulation. Keep the tanks open and use splash trays and keep the turnover high. This will provide optimum gas exchange and promote smaller ph shifts. Do frequent and consistent water changes especially on tanks without skimmers. I prefer to forgo the use of skimmers in my facility. Consistent feeding which in most cases will require close maintenance of your Mushroom Coral aquaculture facility Consistent feeding which leads to increasing maintenance of your aquaculture facility.In my experience most important of all is the after care. It is important to isolate each propagated Mushroom Coral specimen. I find small plastic hanging beta tanks to be most appropriate. Each small square tank is perfect for sufficient substrate and the propagated live Mushroom coral. Each day for approximately 1 to 2 weeks I use a small pipette to keep the exposed surface of the live coral clean. Removing the excess slime helps prevent bacteria attraction. Lack of good water circulation and excessive slime infected with bacteria could lead fresh cuts on the preparations to become infected. Follow these basic steps and propagation will not only be a success but a great deal of fun. Check out the beautiful 4 th generation Hot Pink Ricordea yuma live coral from the Indo-pacific.An inspiring glimpse into the rewards of the aquaculturing Mushroom Corals.
  21. Små bilder till fragg kursen ovan
  22. Ricordea Mushroom propagation while relatively easy requires care and attention to detail. With a rather high price tag for a Health specimen of Ricordea Yuma you may wish to start your foray into propagation with the less expensive Ricordea florida. A mistake with two hundred dollar Ricordea Yuma would be a discouraging first attempt into a fascinating part of the aquaculture process. Rest assured that propagation of a Ricordea mushroom coral is not as intimidating as you may think.I start with a few tools, a plastic cutting board, clean cloth and a fresh razor. Right before a major coral propagation session I do a small water change and use the discarded water for my work. Before you begin soak the cutting board in a small vat of your discarded water for a few minute. Dampen a clean cloth in this water as well as the clean razor. Make sure you hands are clean, without the use of soap and saturate them with the salt water from the reef tank. Gently pick up the Ricordea mushroom coral specimen in the palm of your hand. Avoid touching it with you fingers. While still in the tank swish the coral polyp around so the coral pumps out as much water as possible, and examine the foot of the Ricordea mushroom to see how it is positioned relative to the head. Once you havedone so gently slide the Ricordea mushroom coral specimen on the cutting board and prepare your razor for a clean swift cut. Your examination of the Ricordea mushroom foot was to ensure we cut the foot in half not the mouth. I find the Ricordea mushroom coral as well as other mushroom coral heal far quicker this way. Make the cut clean and fast so the tissue is not torn. Most important is the follow up after the Ricordea mushroom coral propagation. I have had the best luck with mono specific systems. In my work I propagated Ricordea Mushroom Coral only in Ricordea mushroom reef tanks.Follow these simple directions, practiced with care and focus on the after care and you will soon have a working aquafarm facility with a beautiful garden of Ricordea Mushroom Coral. Sätt i gång å odla nu
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