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Inlägg postat av wrang

  1. Höj salthalten stegvis (Jag skulle göra det i 4 steg) så höjs magnesiumhalten tillräckligt genom det som är i saltet. Kalciumhalten blir lite för hög så dra ur slangen för kalciumballing några dagar till en vecka.

    #stigigemla om man läste triton labbs provsvar vet du hur hur mycket mitt är i psu

    9278mg/liter = psu

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  2. Då kom svaret idag 1 vecka sedan jag skickade provet

    Känns helt okey tror jag IMG_9896.PNG






    We detected elements in your water that can be harmful for your tank.

    More information about each element is listed below.

    We recommend to carry out 6 x 15% water changes with TRITON PURE 2.0 salt, spread over 6 weeks.


    Your Magnesium levels are too low.

    Please check your magnesium test kit for accuracy.

    Please dose as recommended in ECS-D


    Your Bromine levels are slightly low.

    Please dose as recommended in ECS-D

    Your Boron levels are slightly low.

    Please dose as recommended in ECS-D


    Your Zinc levels are too high.

    Check for possible contamination source. To assist you in finding the source of error, we have listed the most common sources of zinc (sorted in descending order of frequency):

    1. Contaminated trace elements

    2. Hand Cream applied before working in the aquarium

    3. Contaminated salts


    Your Barium levels are slightly elevated.

    Check for possible contamination source. To help you in your search for the source of error, we have listed the most common sources of Barium (sorted in descending order of frequency):

    1. Phosphate iron-based (except ROWAphos or PhosBan)

    2. Contaminated salts

    3. Contaminated trace elements, in particular strontium

    4. Dried fishfood

    Monitor with future ICP-OES tests.

    Use TRITON AL99 PO4 remover to remove Barium





    Very important for your aquarium

    Mg: We recommend the corrective dosage be carried out over 10 days. For the first 9 days the dosage should be 300ml. On the last day please use 90ml

    Ca: We recommend the corrective dosage be carried out over 3 days. For the first 2 days the dosage should be 60ml. On the last day please use 1.95ml

    K: We recommend the corrective dosage be carried out over 2 days. For the first 1 days the dosage should be 120ml. On the last day please use 118.46ml

    Important for your aquarium

    B: We recommend the corrective dosage be carried out over 5 days. For the first 4 days the dosage should be 60ml. On the last day please use 27ml

    I: We recommend the corrective dosage be carried out over 2 days. For the first 1 days the dosage should be 6ml. On the last day please use 0.41ml

    I: We recommend a daily maintenance dose of 0.64ml. If this dose is very low, then this can be alternatively be dosed weekly (daily dose x7).

    Not important but beneficial for your aquarium

    Li: We recommend the corrective dosage of 16.80 ml for 1 day.

    Fine-tuning Level 1 ( Basic )

    Mn: We recommend the corrective dosage be carried out over 2 days. For the first 2 days the dosage should be 6ml.

    Mn: We recommend a daily maintenance dose of 1.00ml. If this dose is very low, then this can be alternatively be dosed weekly (daily dose x7).

    V: We recommend the corrective dosage of 0.72 ml for 1 day.

    V: We recommend a daily maintenance dose of 0.05ml. If this dose is very low, then this can be alternatively be dosed weekly (daily dose x7).

    Mo: We recommend the corrective dosage of 1.26 ml for 1 day.

    Fine-tuning Level 1 ( Advanced )

    Ni: We recommend the corrective dosage be carried out over 2 days. For the first 1 days the dosage should be 12ml. On the last day please use 2.64ml

    Nytt oöppnad salt red sea blå hink

    Är na samma som salt så är denna låg 33psu med min refraktometer så höjer denna till 35 så skulle det läggas i 1.3kg salt enligt aquaCalculator

    Men Enligt testet så har jag 9728mg/liter å naturligt vatten 10700mg/liter vad är detta i psu

    Funderar hur jag kan blanda till mg lösning

    Har hemma MgCl2 (magnesium klorid) hemma

    Kom gärna med feedback

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  3. Såg detta inlägget på en annan sida. Bästa slangpumpen enligt han är ACT DC PUMP


    I'm sorry its taking so long to get the write up posted, I have a lot going on at the moment. For anyone interested in this project, please send me a PM, I'm more than happy to answer any questions, and help in anyway possible.

    In the mean time, here is a basic list of what you need.

    1. Particle Photon (particle.io)

    2. Relay shield - Particle makes a mechanical 4 channel shield. For additional options please contact me directly.

    3. Simpledoser firmware - Contact me directly

    4. Peristaltic Pumps - Please note, you get what you pay for with pumps. Here is a list of pumps I have tested.

    I HIGHLY recommend the APT DC Pumps, they are well built and incredibly precise. However, here is a list of other pumps I've tested.

    APT Instruments - THE BEST!


    Basic 12v Pump - Cheap, does the job, but have extras around and plan on calibrating more often.


    Better than the basic pump, but large and loud. These are more accurate than the one listed above, but quite large.


    Another good pump, but these are larger as well, very long in fact, and quite loud. Better built than the basic though.


    5. Last, contact me to get an account on Simpledoser.com. The site is designed around the firmware for the photon and will only work if you are using this setup. The site is free for anyone using a photon with the simpledoser firmware.

  4. Var fick du tag på aquapad med specila mått , ofta det bara standard mått 




    Köpte 2st. 40x120cm satte ihop sedan kändes så mycket bättre än frigolit

    Osmosen Sprutar på så 1cm höjning på en timme så ev 7.5liter per timme

    Blir nog att jag tar 150liter gammalt vatten å resterande ny blandat


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    • Gilla 1
  5. Mitt akvarium kom aviserat ca 10 dagar efter de sagt att de skickar

    Bra emballerat och varnings flaggor på toppen.

    Kom med svensk lastbil så kunde själv säga när jag ville ha det under dagen. Fick hjälp att putta in det i huset av lastbils föraren.

    Mitt akvarie blev inte som jag beställt men löste det här hemma med glasmästaren



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