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Göra eget salt.


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Vad tror ni om det här som jag har hittat på ett annat forum angående att göra eget salt. Det lägsta priset jag lyckats komma ner på i sverige är 70 öre litern. Det kan ju låta lite men vid odling och ibland 50% iga vattenbyten daglligen i ett uppväxtkar på 50 liter så blir det ju några kronor.

Running this as a business requires me (and probably others) to reduse costs where I can. Here's a recipe that was shared with me a while ago:

The following artificial seawater recipe is taken from "Chemical Oceanography" by Frank Millero. It makes a recipe that matches 35 ppt seawater in terms of major ions, but does not try to match all minor and trace elements, most of which will be present as impurities in the major elements.

23.98 g sodium chloride

5.029 g magnesium chloride anhydrous (magchlorhexahydrate is MgCl2.6H2O)(Mg -

4.01 g sodium sulfate

1.14 g calcium chloride

0.172 g sodium bicarbonate

0.699 g potassium chloride

0.100 g potassium bromide

0.0254 g boric acid

0.0143 g strontium chloride

0.0029 g sodium fluoride

Water to 1 kg total weight.

From the above, I use only the elments in bold type.

I use this water mixed 50/50 with I.O. for parent and rotifer systems and 25% for larval and growout systems. These ratios will probably change in the next year or so if I find I'm not experiencing any problems. Almost a year and no problems yet. If things continue to go well, I'll probably start using IO at less than 25% and only for trace elements.

The sodium chloride I use is also water softener salt - Sifto's Crystal Plus which is available at H.D., 20K for $3.99, but I usually buy 30 bags when they have their sales of it at $2.99 a bag.

The bicarb, I get at the discount supermarkets and the remaining salts I buy from Univar

I ran a cost analysis and this works out to about $6.83 for 150 gallons. Can you say MUCHO savings

Är det någon med lite mer kemi kunskaper än jag som skulle kunna tipsa om vart man får fatt på dessa ingredienser i Sverige.

23.98 g sodium chloride

5.029 g magnesium chloride anhydrous (magchlorhexahydrate is MgCl2.6H2O)(Mg -

4.01 g sodium sulfate

1.14 g calcium chloride

0.172 g sodium bicarbonate

Här är vad dom används till i Canada

Sodium Chloride = water softener salt

Magnesium Chloride = Mag Flake used for melting ice

Sodium Sulfate = ?, not sure of a cheap local source...

Calcium Chloride = Dow Flake used for melting ice

Sodium Bicarbonate = baking soda

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