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LED-Det verkar ljust för belysningen i framtiden


Rekommenderade inlägg

Talking Reef har ett avsnitt som behandlar LED-ljus också:

Here is a list of items discussed in this interview

- Introductions

- how LEDs got started in the hobby

- Where LED moonlights came from

- Hi flux and low flux LED

- LED environmental requirements

- Details of LEDs wavelength output

- LEDs ability to target the wavelengths needed by coral

- Directivity of LEDs and how that affects there use

- Luminous Efficiency of LED, and comparison to other lighting types

- How LEDs work

- Columniation (Focusing) vs reflected light

- why aren't LED lights everywhere, what's the hold up

- LEDs do not emit UV, how will that affect coral

- Thoughts on Commercial LED fixtures


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