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Kontrollern kan pulsera två pumpar (30%-100%), men båda pumparna kommer pulsera samtidigt. Inte såsom Tunze´s där man kan pulsera pumparna mot varandra, dvs den ena kör 100% medans den andra 30%.

Har läst lite olika bud i tråden. Endel säger att den funkar på vilken pump som helst inte bara Marea Stream (Seio).

Medans andra hävdar tex.

länkYeah, the range that the controller varies the power to the pumps (30%-100%) would most likely be 100% all the time to the 620 and 820 since they are so small.

The controller 'might' work with other powerheads according to Taam. The problem with most other powerheads is prolly going to be two things, if these controllers are designed the way I think they are (by manipulating the frequency)...

One thing is how many poles the AC motor has. Most powerheads only have a 2-pole design... the impeller can rotate in either direction upon startup. I believe the SEIOs are a 4-pole design... 4-poles allows the motor direction to be controlled, which is necessary to the SEIO's operation. While ramping down the power on a SEIO, the 4-pole design allows the pump to continue to operate... but with 2-pole designs (Maxi Jets, Aqua Clears, etc) the lower power could cause the pumps to switch direction and 'sputter' depending on how low the torque of the powerhead is in the 'off' phase.

The other problem is the size of the motor. For the same reason 620s and 820s wont work, if you use some similarly powered powerheads (like a MJ 400-900), the output might not go low enough to cause the pump to vary anything noticable. The wattage of the 1100 (15 watts) on up suggests that you will most likely only be able to get this controller to work on larger powerheads... perhaps the MJ1200 being the smallest, along with the Aquaclear 802. Pretty much only powerheads that are 15 watts on up...

Här är tillverkarens hemsida http://www.riopump.net/, men jag kan inte hitta något om den.


Här finns den till salu för £81.99 =1132 SEK.

Now available the new SEIO controller will change the speed of two pumps from low to high without causing any damage to the pump or rotor. The pumps will operate at approximately 30% then will increase the fl ow to 100%. The surge can be set from every 15sec. to every 30 minutes. There two preset feeding buttons that will turn pumps off for either 8 min. or 16 min. then will automatically switch back to auto. Works with 1100, 1500 and 2600 water pumps

Den verkar ha funnits till salu i cirka en månad nu. Personligen skulle jag nog satsa på tunze istället. Men om den klarar alla pumpar och inte bara Marea/Seio så kan det kanske vara intressant.





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