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Hjälp !! val av ljus-armatur!

Shark Of Sweden

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http://www.aquacaresweden.se/ProductB.htm är grossist i Sverige och man kan ringa dem o kolla vart de går att köpa. Det är Infinity-modellen som gäller om man vill ha det grymmaste :)

Ett fel på Aquacares hemsida är att 2x250 och 2x400 armaturerna skall ha 4x54W T5 och inte 2x24W.

Det går även att få alla armaturer tillsammans med ACLS ljusdatorn som kan dimma både lysrör och MH och simulera moln och mycket annat. Då får man även med månljus. Men då tror jag det blir svårt att komma undan med 15K :)

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Alla Sfiligois armaturer måste sägas till innan om man skall ha deras dimmer (ACLS) funktion annars så levereras de med en magnetisk drossel.

Armaturen Infinity XR4 skall belysa 90 X 70 cm


vad de själva skriver på deras sida. Men har ej hittat vilken höjd den sitter med dessa siffror



Lite humm om priser

SFILIGOI INFINITY XR4 2X250W HQI + 4X54W T5 + 2 ACLS = 3,158.00EUR

eller med denna så var pengarna slut

SFILIGOI SOLE SET 1X400W HQI + 2X24W T5 1 ACLS = 1,640.00EUR

Håller med Christer att armaturen skall vara lika lång som karet ser bara klumpigt ut om det hänger utanför!

Men om man skulle välja en SFILIGOI INFINITY XR4 1X400W HQI + 4X24W T5 + 1 ACLS = 1,857.00EUR

så hadde det vart säkert grymt då den körs med ACLS enheten

What is ACLS system?

ACLS is an electronic dimmer, patented by SFILIGOI, which can reproduce the sunset-sunrise effect only by using HQI lamps. ACLS allows gradual lighting up and darkening from 0 to 100% and vice versa of the lighting.

What are the benefits and advantages of ACLS system?

ACLS satisfies all the experts in aquarium field’s requirements because it can reproduce the natural lighting flow: in that way the fishes and corals into the aquarium grow in a spot which is very similar to their natural habitat.

ACLS can reproduce the natural biologic cycle of the sun, day/night and the seasons on the aquarium habitat: so the passage from daylight to dusk is very gradual and consequently there is no shock for the animals and invertebrates in the aquarium.

During the sunrise-sunset phases the dimmer reduces the power the lamp absorbs and consequently grants high energy savings in comparison with common ferromagnetic reactors with a 92% rent.

The electronic dimmer keeps the light flow extremely stable to avoid flickering problems of exhausted lights (250 Hz using squared wave). You have the possibility to use also lamps almost exhausted with a fairly good light flow (the bulb duration increases of 30-40%). Further, after the tension falls, ACLS allows turning on of the lamp reducing the time by 50% in comparison with common ferromagnetic reactor.

The opinion of the experts in field is that the creation of the natural conditions of sun and moon light, and in particular of the moon phases, could help the reproduction of the aquarium guests, especially of the invertebrates.


Special dip-switches control:

  • the duration of the sunrise-sunset effect which can be personalised
  • the duration of the maximum lighting flow (“midday”)
  • the moonlight
  • latitude
  • longitude
  • cloudy days
  • reduction of the lighting flow
  • reduction of the lamp power
  • standard timer for HQI lamps (output relay)
  • timer for actinic tubes (output relay)
  • timer for moon phases lamp (using a suitable bulb)
  • the watch/datary-timer into the ACLS (day/month/time)

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