Saxat: How is growth under the new tubes? The growth of our korallen under T5 did not differ recognizably from that one under HQI. Exceptions as at the beginning of intensified growth of A. echinata are single observations, which we would not like to generalize. To left side 400 Watts of HQI light, right side T of 5 tubes 3 x Blue and 3 x Sun of ATI Is the care of kleinpolypiger Steinkorallen how successful in larger basin depths? Here the first differences showed up, because our korallen in soil basic proximity grew under T5 of tubes clearly better than under HQI. How does color pigmentation of kleinpolypiger Steinkorallen develop? The color development under the T 5 was amazing. Many korallen, which apply concerning pigmentation as rather more difficult Pfleglinge, showed an enormous color increase opposite HQI. However there were also exceptions, because our A. horrida better under HQI light pleases us, because it shows its whole splendour only here.