Bara massa extra flöde med en 500 niters pump som cirkulerar mer vatten genom refugium enligt Triton rekommenadtioner
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Tritonlab resultat ICP -
Allt ser okey ut ska bara läsa hur jag jag ska tolka allt....
Detta tex We have proven a good level of organic carbon. Avoid antibiotics and other “Miracle cures” as they will not resolve to core issue.
If possible, reduce the temperature of your aquarium to 24 degrees.
If you use vodka, acetic acid or other carbon sources:
1. Reduce the dosage
2. Find out about the type of carbon source
3. Try to better adjust the dose to prevent adverse effects.
In addition to your inorganic supply of Calcium, Magnesium and Carbonate Hardness, you can also dose BioBase.
The product that best suits your system is:
We have found a good level of inorganic carbon and thus carbonate hardness.
Maintain your current dosage.
Är det att jag måste ha ett bättre Kol?
Samt testa BIO BASE
Ca - 419 mg/l
mg - 1354 mg/l
po4 - 0.024
K - 364 mg/l
kh - 7.71