Undrar om en skummare som är lämplig för akvarier mellan 500-1000 liter kan funka till ett 200 liters. Hade tänkt mig denna modellen " The Turboflotor 1000 is a compact skimmer with an integrated trickle filter, designed for installation in a sump. The skimmer includes venturi pump with needle wheel to mix air with water and pushes both into the reaction pipe (110 mm, 4.4 inches in diameter). The skimmer´s design ensures an intensive air-water mix giving a long contact time for the air bubbles. The bubbles create foam that is collected in the conical foam cup. Treated water from the reaction cylinder is fed to the attached Bactoball filled trickle filter, which is used for biological filtration. Height: 59 cm, c. 24" Total width: 37 x 15 cm, c. 15" x 7" Någon som vet hur djupt vatten man måste ha i sumpen för att denna ska funka? Är det en bra skummare?