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Thailändska snäckor


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  • 1 månad senare...
Det kan ge dyra straff att samla snäckskal och ta med sig hem det vet du antar jag? ;)

Du kan nog slappna av Waterboy, i alla fall om det är några få stycken det handlar om...

Hittade följande på http://paddleasia.com/responsible_ecotourism.htm, vilket verkar mer rimligt (i alla fall för mig) än "dyra straff för snäcksamlande" ;):

Seashells don't get replaced right away. It takes time to grow a big shell. The sheer numbers are enough to deplete an area's shell-life for a long time. It is thusly illegal to sell seashells from the waters of Thailand, yet they are available in shops. Where do they come from? They mostly come from Indonesia. Many of the shells in Thailand's waters have long disappeared due to the tourists of the past.

There is nothing wrong with taking the occasional empty shell from a beach as long as the live animal isn't still living in the shell. It's the mass-market type of shell collecting, whereby the live animal is yanked out of its housing, and left to die in the sun in most cases, that's the problem.

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