Tedb Postat 22 juli 2005 Postat 22 juli 2005 hittade den här på Ebay http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=20758&item=7702510014&rd=1 Citera
Tedb Postat 22 juli 2005 Författare Postat 22 juli 2005 här finns lite å läsa om den tror inte de e en höjdare men skoj en skoj prylhttp://www.waterking.co.uk/pages86/waterconditioners.htm Citera
Tedb Postat 22 juli 2005 Författare Postat 22 juli 2005 Har sett liknande hyss till dammar innan Citera
petrol Postat 22 juli 2005 Postat 22 juli 2005 https://www.saltvattensguiden.se/forumet/showthread.php?t=7608&highlight=tr%E5dalger Citera
aerie Postat 22 juli 2005 Postat 22 juli 2005 Verkar ju vara en smidig produkt:How Is The Water Softened Without Removing The Calcium ?The clusters created by Water-King stimulate the conversion of more of the dissolved calcium bicarbonate in the water into crystals in suspension than would otherwise occur. The resulting hot water, with less calcium bicarbonate, is now chemically softer. Soap, which reacts adversely with calcium bicarbonate, will create more lather despite the fact that the total amount of calcium, dissolved and suspended, remains the same. Water-King is the only electronic device of its kind that has been proven by independent laboratory tests to produce softer water. Såvitt jag fattar så dumpar den kH...jättebra. Citera
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