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  • 2 veckor senare...

Skönt Nico att det går bra för dig, fina fiskar och koraller -dregglar--dregglar--dregglar-

Jag är också sugen på att köpa, men jag ska vänta tills våren.

Måste lära mig lite hur man hanterar det med saltvattens kemi-bok-


3 timmar sedan, jarecki68 sa:

Skönt Nico att det går bra för dig, fina fiskar och koraller -dregglar--dregglar--dregglar-

Jag är också sugen på att köpa, men jag ska vänta tills våren.

Måste lära mig lite hur man hanterar det med saltvattens kemi-bok-


Det stämmer skadar inte få lite  färg

Postat (ändrat)

Skickade in ett triton test för det första kanske finns något som hjälper blir av med bruna kiselalger.

Några tester gjorda innan vi få se !



Ändrat av niki68
  • Gilla 1
Postat (ändrat)

Very important for your aquarium

Ca: We recommend the corrective dosage be carried out over 4 days. For the first 3 days the daily dosage should be 120ml. On the last day please use 20.49ml.

K: We recommend the corrective dosage be carried out over 2 days. For the first 1 days the daily dosage should be 240ml. On the last day please use 160ml.


Important for your aquarium

B: We recommend the corrective dosage be carried out over 5 days. For the first 4 days the daily dosage should be 120ml. On the last day please use 33ml.

I: We recommend the corrective dosage of 11.04 ml for 1 day.

I: We recommend a daily maintenance dose of 1.10ml. If this dose is very low, then this can be alternatively be dosed weekly (daily dose x7).

Sr: We recommend the corrective dosage be carried out over 2 days. For the first 1 days the daily dosage should be 240ml. On the last day please use 195ml.


Not important but beneficial for your aquarium

Br: We recommend the corrective dosage be carried out over 3 days. For the first 2 days the daily dosage should be 60ml. On the last day please use 35.56ml.

S: We recommend the corrective dosage be carried out over 2 days. For the first 1 days the daily dosage should be 300ml. On the last day please use 38.46ml.


Fine-tuning Level 1 ( Basic )

Mo: We recommend the corrective dosage of 46.80 ml for 1 day.

V: We recommend the corrective dosage of 1.44 ml for 1 day.

V: We recommend a daily maintenance dose of 0.10ml. If this dose is very low, then this can be alternatively be dosed weekly (daily dose x7).

Mn: We recommend the corrective dosage be carried out over 2 days. For the first 2 days the daily dosage should be 12ml.

Mn: We recommend a daily maintenance dose of 2.00ml. If this dose is very low, then this can be alternatively be dosed weekly (daily dose x7).


Fine-tuning Level 1 ( Advanced )

Ni: We recommend the corrective dosage be carried out over 3 days. For the first 2 days the daily dosage should be 24ml. On the last day please use 12ml.

Zn: We recommend the corrective dosage of 3.18 ml for 1 day.

Zn: We recommend a daily maintenance dose of 0.32ml. If this dose is very low, then this can be alternatively be dosed weekly (daily dose x7).








Ändrat av niki68
Postat (ändrat)
1 timme sedan, niki68 sa:

Very important for your aquarium

Ca: We recommend the corrective dosage be carried out over 4 days. For the first 3 days the daily dosage should be 120ml. On the last day please use 20.49ml.

K: We recommend the corrective dosage be carried out over 2 days. For the first 1 days the daily dosage should be 240ml. On the last day please use 160ml.


Important for your aquarium

B: We recommend the corrective dosage be carried out over 5 days. For the first 4 days the daily dosage should be 120ml. On the last day please use 33ml.

I: We recommend the corrective dosage of 11.04 ml for 1 day.

I: We recommend a daily maintenance dose of 1.10ml. If this dose is very low, then this can be alternatively be dosed weekly (daily dose x7).

Sr: We recommend the corrective dosage be carried out over 2 days. For the first 1 days the daily dosage should be 240ml. On the last day please use 195ml.


Not important but beneficial for your aquarium

Br: We recommend the corrective dosage be carried out over 3 days. For the first 2 days the daily dosage should be 60ml. On the last day please use 35.56ml.

S: We recommend the corrective dosage be carried out over 2 days. For the first 1 days the daily dosage should be 300ml. On the last day please use 38.46ml.


Fine-tuning Level 1 ( Basic )

Mo: We recommend the corrective dosage of 46.80 ml for 1 day.

V: We recommend the corrective dosage of 1.44 ml for 1 day.

V: We recommend a daily maintenance dose of 0.10ml. If this dose is very low, then this can be alternatively be dosed weekly (daily dose x7).

Mn: We recommend the corrective dosage be carried out over 2 days. For the first 2 days the daily dosage should be 12ml.

Mn: We recommend a daily maintenance dose of 2.00ml. If this dose is very low, then this can be alternatively be dosed weekly (daily dose x7).


Fine-tuning Level 1 ( Advanced )

Ni: We recommend the corrective dosage be carried out over 3 days. For the first 2 days the daily dosage should be 24ml. On the last day please use 12ml.

Zn: We recommend the corrective dosage of 3.18 ml for 1 day.

Zn: We recommend a daily maintenance dose of 0.32ml. If this dose is very low, then this can be alternatively be dosed weekly (daily dose x7).









Det några som fattas kommer beställas ( K-Br-Mo-V ) , kalium har några flaskor hemma fast aquaforest kan dosera max 13 droppar dag ...

Ändrat av niki68

Your Calcium levels are too low.

Check for accuracy of home Ca test kit if used. 

Please dose as recommended in the DOSE tab.

Your Magnesium levels are slightly elevated.

Please check your magnesium test kit for accuracy.

Your Boron levels are slightly low.

Please dose as recommended in the DOSE tab.

Your Lithium levels are slightly elevated. 

Check for possible contamination source. To help you in your search for the source of error, we have listed them the most common lithium sources (sorted in descending order of frequency):

1. Trace element overdose / contamination
2. Contaminated salts / contaminated magnesium salts
3. Artificial Rock/ Reef ceramics
4. Food

If you are dosing additional lithium on top of regular doses then stop.

The analysis has found a low phosphorus / phosphate level in the aquarium.

In case of problems we recommend to remove/reduce the phosphate absorber from the system and to increase feeding.

For problems with Cyanobacteria, the product that best suits your system is:

TRITON Organic Supplements P Beta

For a fish tank without algae/Cyanobacteria problems the product that is best suited is:

TRITON Organic Supplements P Alpha

24 minuter sedan, niki68 sa:

Hanna visar 1.026 det är stor skillnad , måste kalibrera igen apexen .

Det är ingen idé att använda apex saltprob till något annat än att se stora förändringar, typ att ATO hängt sig. Hur man än kalibrerar blir den aldrig riktigt bra. Visst för några personer funkar den, men googla så får du se att väldigt många har stora problem.

  • Gilla 1
  • Ledsen 1
On 2019-02-11 at 20:06, KMG sa:

Grymt seriöst! Ser fram emot utvecklingen 


På måndag skickar en ny test vi få se vart jag ligger efter justeringsdosen , de rekommendera att lämna minst 24 timmar från den senaste dosen.


  • 4 veckor senare...
  • 2 veckor senare...
4 timmar sedan, Lasse sa:

Dina kirurger kommer att ta hand om dina kiselalger. Ta det lugnt bara. 


MVH Lasse

Har bara en kirurg !!!

  • 3 veckor senare...
Postat (ändrat)

Sista två veckorna lite hög fosfat /Kh.

Fosfat sänktes ganska snabb och gillade inte koraller , på två dagar från 0,16-0,03.Stägde CO2 till kalkreaktoren kh hamnade på 10.2 

Just nu ligger på 9,3 en liten byt till 8.

Några bilder !!!




















Ändrat av niki68
  • Gilla 3

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