Ett par klipp från FAQ på deras hemsida: Q: After dissolving Instant Ocean® in purified water, my calcium and/or magnesium concentration seems lower than expected. Why? A: Instant Ocean® is formulated to provide a solution with levels of calcium and magnesium found in natural seawater (NSW), assuming you use purified water to dissolve the sea salt. Tap water most often contains dissolved calcium, magnesium and other minerals that will add to the levels provided by Instant Ocean®. The specific gravity of NSW is typically 1.026 (35 parts per thousand, or ppt, salinity). When dissolved in pure water to a specific gravity of 1.026, Instant Ocean® should provide a solution that has 400 mg/L calcium ion and 1320 mg/L magnesium ion. If Instant Ocean® is dissolved to a lower specific gravity, then these concentrations (and, in fact, the concentration of every other ion) will be proportionately lower. Q: What is the difference between Instant Ocean® Sea Salt and Reef Crystals®? A: Instant Ocean® is engineered to closely match natural seawater, and Reef Crystals® is enriched to facilitate the growth of corals and other invertebrates in a reef aquarium.