Vet inte om der ger något ytterliggare till den här diskussionen..... Men så här beskriver Fauna Marin sin Bakteriemat Ultra Bak: "UltraBak is a nutrient solution for bacteria commonly found in a marine aquarium. After addition of UltraBak bacteria will grow rapidly and thereby will convert unwanted nutrients like nitrite, nitrate and phosphate into biomass. The bacteria will either be skimmed off or taken up by corals and filter feeders, thereby providing an additional source of natural food. Most corals can also directly utilize UltraBak as an energy source. Growth rates of denitrifiying bacteria are enhanced, making life rock and especially Zeolite filters even more effective in breaking down and removing unwanted nitrogen compounds. UltraBak reduces nitrite, nitrate, and phosphate; combined with Ultralith and UltraminS it provides a safe and easy method for maintaining extremely nutrient depleted water and amazing colours in a reef tank. Contents: Water, Calcium chloride, Magnesium sulfate, Potassium chloride, Ethylene acetate, Ethanol, Peptone, Tryptone, Histidine hydrochloride, D-Phenylalanine, L-Threonine, DL-Tryptonphane, DL-Valine, Thiamine chloride, Nicotinamide, Ribiflavine, Pridoxine hydrochloride, Cyanococobalamine, Sodiummethyl-4-hydroxybezoate, organic acids, trace elements." En annat sånt här preparat som skall användas ihop med zeolit, System Buntessriff "Bakterien- und Korallenfutter" innehåller följande (OBS tyska): "Calciumchlorid, Calciumjodat, Eisennitrat, Kaliumchlorid, Magnesiumsulfat, Mangansulfat, Natriumacetat, Natriumchlorid, Natriumdihydrogenphosphat, Adeninsulfat, AMP, ATP, Chosterol, Glucose, Glutathion, Guanin, Hypoxanthin, D-Ribose, Taurin, Thymin, Uracil, Xanthin, Sorbit, Essigsäure, Vitamine, 21 Aminosäuren, sowie weitere Spurenelemente." I den sista smyger de in nitrat och fosfat... Eller talar öppet om att den finns där...