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Dragon feed fish foods


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Tänkte höra om det var nån som har hört talas om ett torr fiskfoder ifran England som saltvatten fiskar ska vara tokig i som heter dragon feed fish foods som även krasna fiskar som Chelmon Rostatus ska vara tokig i den är gjört av polychaete worms (vet ej vad dom heter på svenska) har köpt ett lite burk på E-Bay har inte fått hem den än ska testa den.Jag har läst artikel om den foder i Marine World Magazine fick högsta betyg av dom låter lovande .

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Cultured Marine Polychaete Worms grown under controlled and sustainable conditions on our own farms

Seaweed meal for natural immune enhancers, flavour and optimum health

Spirulina algae for natural plant carotenoids and optimum pigmentation

Brewers Yeast for natural immune enhancers, essential B-vitamins and optimum health

Krill Meal for natural aquatic animal carotenoids, enhanced pigmentation and optimum reproductive function

Lecithin as a natural emulsifier and for optimum lipid metabolisism and improved liver and nerve function

Oil high in Omega 3 and Omega 6 essential fatty acids for optimum lipid nutrition, health and nerve function

Lite info om vad dragon feeds innehåller kommer med rapport efter jag har testat produkten har inte fått hem än


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En gissning men enligt den här sidan:

"The production of polychaete worms by the UK-based company Seabait Ltd for use as aquaculture feed for shrimp and fish is described."

gissar jag att företaget som odlar maskarna i fodret är detta http://www.seabait.com/


The ragworm, Nereis (Neanthes) virens (also known as 'sandworm' or 'clamworm'), is a free-living marine polychaete found on the Atlantic shores of North America and Northern Europe.

It is extensively used as a fishing bait by millions of sea anglers fishing from the shore or from small boats. It is also a highly nutritious feed used with fish and shrimp broodstocks in aquaculture.

A mature female ragworm can contain more than one million eggs.

Ragworms breed once in a lifetime and then die.

Seabait Limited produced 70 tonnes of Seabait ragworm in 2004/2005.

In the wild the Ragworm population breed just once a year, at Seabait Limited they breed once a week.

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