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Vad händer med min Euphyllia paradivisa ???


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Kikade till karet nu i kväll innan släckningsdags och fick se att mina Euphyllia paradivisa såg knepig ut. Det är som en stor bubbla över munnen på den. Jag fotade spektaklet. Är det något fel på den eller vad är det som händer? Någon som vet ???




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I den tråd som Doris pekar på gissar jag att det kan vara relaterat till Polyp bailout men det är som sagt en spekulation. Jag har sett det nån gång hos mig och det har aldrig gett några skador/problem på Euphyllian.

Det tycks inte vara utrett vad det beror av men Julian Sprung gissar på virus.

The bubble formation in the Euphyllia is very interesting. I have seen it before in this coral and in many other corals. I showed some slides and discussed it in a lecture many years ago, under the topic of asexual reproduction in corals.

While it is not widely recognized as such, the net result of this bubble formation is the generation of new daughter colonies. If you are patient and don’t disturb them, and you maintain adequate calcium and alkalinity levels, a skeleton will form that will weight the bubble down and gradually separate it from the parent colony.

While the formation of “satellites” is well known in Goniopora stokesi, the bubble formation you are witnessing is a little different and not well described in the scientific literature. Although there are a few articles discussing it in the aquarium literature.

I have a suspicion that it may be produced by a virus, with a positive and benign effect on the coral. The reason I suspect a virus is that I have seen it “travel” in aquariums, affecting one coral, then another and so on.

- Julian Sprung

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