Grattis till en vacker raritet. Garanterad odlad. The Japanese Pygmy angel is a stunning fish and quite rare in the trade. It commonly occurs in the northwestern Pacific Ocean along Japan’s southern coast, particularly at the Izu Peninsula, but it can be found as far south as the northern most Hawaiian Islands. We found it thrives on a quality gel diet, small pellets, high-grade flakes and frozen adult brine shrimp. <MAP name=Map6><AREA shape=RECT alt="A pair of Japanese pygmy angels (male on right)" coords=8,5,140,93 href="#"><AREA shape=RECT alt="65-day-old Japanese pygmy juveniles" coords=150,9,281,90 href="#"></MAP> <ALIGN="CENTER"> The Japanese Pygmy angel, Centropyge interruptus Our wild adults require cooler water temperatures between 74 to 80º F but our first generation juveniles are now adapted and do well in water temperatures up to 82 degrees. Adults can reach up to 6 inches in length.