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Visa innehåll med flest reaktioner på 2021-06-18 i alla kategorier

  1. You're probably correct about that. I think part of the refugium is for the fun of having the little critters in there, and to be able to check if it increases stability by lighting it overnight. You gave me a good idea though, I can instead have the refugium as an insert box. Then if I get sick of changing filter socks, or if the refugium is too small to be any good, then I can later just remove the fuge and swap over to a roller instead.
    4 poäng
  2. Hi there and welcome back to the hobby! Looks like you’ve in the right path for success:) However, I would strongly advice against using dry rock. You can seed dry rock with bacteria to “cycle” the tank but it’s still going to be a barren wasteland when it come to micro fauna and flora resulting in a unstable tank where one organism easily runs rampant due to the lack of competition. Don't worry about aptasia etc, it’s basically impossible to completely avoid introducing pests in the long run.
    2 poäng
  3. Attached below is the final draft. Provided that nothing more need to be changed, I guess I will get it custom made sometime in the next few days.
    1 poäng
  4. Så lite överblick av mitt ”workshop in progress. Blev lite konstiga färger, men ni förstår nog ändå…
    1 poäng
  5. Jag har lite gröna små anemoner som jag tar bort ibland. Och jag gör så här.... Brukar hälla i ett halvt provrör från salifert med osmos vatten. Sen ca halv tesked kalkwasser pulver och blanda. Pulvret sjunker ner till botten. Sen tar jag en spruta med en nål på och drar upp pulvret. Sen är det bara att träffa rätt i mitten/munnen på anemonen. Lycka till.....
    1 poäng
  6. Wow... Whitecorals is a nice store. I have not seen them before either. Thanks for the link. I saw that they even have some real Australian live rock, that is perfect, I can actually have a little piece of home living in my tank.
    1 poäng
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