Satt och kikade på You-tube klipp från Macna 2014 och de visade från en monter från Ruby reef. De har ett vita-prick preparat som inte innehåller koppar och ska vara revsäker. Preparatet ska angripa parasiten när den är frisimmande. Låter detta för bra för att vara sant? Jag sökte lite info på nätet och det är rätt sparsamt. Finns en del på Reef-Central, men jag tror att det senaste var från 2010. Vad tror vi, är det färgat vatten? [h=1]What is KICK-ICH™?[/h]KICK-ICH™ is a copper free water treatment for the control and elimination of ich (a.k.a. “whitespot disease”) in marine and freshwater aquaria. It has been scientifically formulated to interrupt the free swimming, infectious stage of the ich lifecycle while being safe for all freshwater and marine aquaria. The product has been on the market for fourteen years, after three years of development and extensive testing, and has been unequivocally proven to be safe for all fish, corals, invertebrates and plants. KICK-ICH™, whether used alone or in combination with RALLY™, has no impact on biological filtration. KICK-ICH™ is the safest and most effective product for treatment of Ich currently available. KICK-ICH™ has a long shelf life at room temperature and is supplied in easy to use, self-dosing bottles. [h=2]What’s in it?[/h]KICK-ICH™'s safety has been widely proven in hobby and commercial applications. KICK-ICH™ contains precisely blended reagents, of certified pharmaceutical purity, whose specific methods of action have been identified and confirmed in research and clinical laboratories around the world. It was therefore possible to develop KICK-ICH™ as a water treatment focused specifically on free swimming tomites, but without unwanted side effects and secondary activities. No previous manufacturer has been able to provide 5-nitroimidazole reagents in a neutral aqueous solution, nor in any aqueous solution that confers stability upon dissolved nitroimidazoles. [h=2]What’s not in it?[/h]No Copper! Nor does KICK-ICH™ contain mysterious “natural ingredients” or other undefined “extracts” whose predictability is based largely on folklore. Finally, KICK-ICH™ contains no hyper-irritants (e.g. Tabasco sauce and similar hot pepper extract preparations) that induce super sliming, exfoliation of epidermal layers and attending extreme stress for the duration of the treatment period (Imagine there is no available shade and you have a 2nd degree sunburn!). Similarly, KICK-ICH™does not pretend to provide a one step treatment for the control of ich: given the choice of addressing spots on the fish, or controlling the progressive infection and reinfection of the fish, the KICK-ICH™ strategy is structured to interrupt the free-swimming infectious stage over the 12 – 15 day time course during which release of free swimming “tomites” from maturing trophonts in the aquarium peaks and declines. Fish that have been stripped of spots by hyper-irritants, with the attending secondary effects and stress, are especially vulnerable to reinfection by tomites that may be present in the water.