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Kore 5th Doser - Uppdatering för program och firmware


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Då vi är ett antal användare av Pacific Suns doserpump: Kore 5th, tänkte jag att jag kan posta i denna tråden när det släpps nya versioner av firmware och mjukvara till dem.

Var snäll och håll denna tråden ren från eventuella problem ni har med doserpumparna eller frågor om när det släpps nya versioner.

Det är bättre att ha denna ren från allt annat för att göra det enkelt att hitta den senaste versionen.

För pumparna spelar det ingen roll om i vilken ordning man installerar uppdateringen (firmware eller mjukvara), men avinstallera mjukvaran innan den nya installeras.

Håller er ganska nära doserpumpen när uppdateringen av firmware utförs.

Tänk på att använda er av en extern Bluetooth-adapter som är flat på baksidan. (Undvik de rundade).

Den ska vara minst class 2, ha stöd för SPP (Serial Port Profile) och vara minst EDR2.1

Denna här använder jag och den har fungerat klockrent ASUS USB-BT211:


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Windowsuppdateringen till Kore 5th är nu släppt:

Software & Firmware:


Nytt i v1.3 är t.ex.:

- Extra små doseringa (droppar) - perfekt för Zeovit!

- AWC (Automatic Water Change) - Använd doserpumpen för vattenbyten

- Ökat MAX antal doser per dag till 144 doser

- Fahrenheit/Celsius för temperatursensorn

- Lagt till Natrium Bikarbonat (NaHCO3) i listan över kemikalier

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  • 1 month later...

Ny uppdatering släppt.

Software & Firmware:


Text tagen direkt från Pacific Sun:

We are sorry for long time without reply/update but we had to be sure that newest release have removed all important bugs which can affect proper working(can be dangerous for animals in aquarium).

What new?


A) Advanced time clock calibration.

Now its very easy and accurate procedure. On last tab(screenshot below) you can see three buttons.

1. Set

It will set "marker" in doser memory since which it will start measure internal clock. The best is when it will be set afte midnight(like 00:10am etc). Longer measure time will give us better results - more accurate numbers. If you will set it in the morning(like 7:00am) it should also work properly and accurate should be about few seconds daily.

When you will set marker - you need to wait not less than 17 hours(time checking have to be done between 00:01am to 11:59pm)

2. Read button

It will read actual clock difference compared to timestamp written in doser memory several hours earlier. It will compare this time to your computer time and calculate the difference between both of them. When minimum time will be reached( 70% of 24 hours - about 17h measurements) last button Save will be enabled.

3. Save button

Will save calculated numbers into doser memory - and on each night doser clock will be automatically adjusted.


B) Manual dosing for each pump. Dosed amount will affect bottle liquid level.


C) Information window after logging into doser.

Show general informations about actual alarms(low liquid level, ATO refill error, float switch error, temperature alarm,etc) and on second window - dosed liquid amounts in ml for each pump.

That number are calculated not for last 24h - but for time since midnight up to login time.

2. Read button

It will read actual clock difference compared to timestamp written in doser memory several hours earlier. It will compare this time to your computer time and calculate the difference between both of them. When minimum time will be reached( 70% of 24 hours - about 17h measurements) last button Save will be enabled.

3. Save button

Will save calculated numbers into doser memory - and on each night doser clock will be automatically adjusted.


Svensk översättning på kalibreringen av klockan:

1. Set.

Det sätter en tidsmarkering i doserpumpens minne som sedan mäter tiden. För bäst noggrannhet sätt klockan efter midnatt, t.ex. 00:10. Sen väntar du minst 17-18 timmar. Bäst resultat får du om du väntar så nära 24h emellan, så t.ex. 23:30.

2. Read.

Datorn räknar ut skillnaden mellan klockan och timestamp som du gjorde i steg 1.

3. Save.

Sparar den uträknade tidsskillnaden så att varje natt så justerar klockan sig automatiskt.

Intervallet mellan Set och Read måste alltså göras mellan 00:01 - 23:59

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ny uppdatering släppt.

Software & Firmware:


Text tagen direkt från Pacific Sun:

Whats added/modified?

1. Added option for Custom liquid names(for each pump). That names are saved in doser memory and also are shown on some tabs(after refresh/reload)

2. Advanced dose - Customer can choose on which days of week dosing pumps will work. That can be set for each pump separately.

3. ATO delay. Now Customer can set delay (from 0 to 250 minutes) and on this time ATO will not work(will be disabled). It should help in some tank maintenance - like water change etc.

After configured time ato start working automatically.

4. Improved internal clock calibration procedure.

To calibrate internal cpu(if your doser gain the time) you need to log into doser after mindnight and use Set button.

After 20-22 hours(so before midnight the same day) log into doser again - and you Read button. It will show how many minutes/secons your doser is too fast/to slow. Now you need only use Save button. Since this time during the night doser will automatically adjust his internal time(it was too fast 3 minutes per day - so in the night it will set back internal time for this 3 minutes).

We also removes some minor bugs but if you will find any please let us know.

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Ny uppdatering släppt.

Software & Firmware:


Text tagen direkt från Pacific Sun:

* independent settings for bottle capacity, liquid capacity.

* pump calibration backup

It allow export calibration settings. Now, even if firmware upgrade require performing Default settings - all calibration data can be easy imported without calibration pumps again.

* personalized labels are displayed on all important tabs

* added Disconnect button(any shutdown is not needed since now)

* added Refresh all setting button.

Tänk på att kolla att alla dagar är kryssade på alla pumpar på nya "Advanced dose"-tabben. Annars doseras inget.

Lämpligt att göra "Calibration backup" under service-tabben, så om inställningar resettas, eller man blir tvungen att göra "Default settings", så kan man läsa tillbaka detta och slippa göra om kalibreringen.

Edited by Yodelking
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  • 1 month later...

Ny uppdatering av Software, Firmware SAMT manual... :)


Läs nedan! Om ni uppdaterar måste ni i efterhand justera doseringen.

T.ex. om ni doserar 100ml NaCL per dag så kommer det att stå 10,0ml per dag efter uppdateringen.

Detta får ni manuellt gå in och sätta till 100,0ml


- pump accuracy increased - now minimum dose value - 0.01ml(!). For single drop(density like water) you need to set 0.04ml dose. That value will depend from density of liquid and best accuracy will be reached using DropDose dispenser(protect againts evaporating of water from dispensing nozzle).

- fixed some minor bugs, improved internal clock calibration procedures.

Manual and firmware inside archive with software.


When you upgrade your firmware from 1.3.x to 1.4 - you need to adjust/set daily doses again. Because we changed resolution of minimum dose (from 0.1ml to 0.01ml) your daily dose (on new firmware/software) will be 10 time less.

If you dosed 100ml of NaCl(for example) daily - on new soft/firmware it will look for 10ml/daily. You need to correct it and save in doser memory. It's only one important action which should be preformed by you after firmware upgrade!

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  • 1 month later...

Ny uppdatering släppt.

Software & Firmware:


Additionally added/fixed:

- manual dose - fixed proper calculation of dosed liquids

- pump activities - kept in different memory block

- doser naming - allow chaning name of bluetooth module installed in doser. Very helpfull if you use more than one dosing station in the same time

- keeping liquid names in config file(on hdd) - for each doser independly. Protect against erasing custom liquid names from doser memory after power failure

- manual clock calibration - allow put correct numbers "by hand"

Its not needed to do Default settings after this firmware upgrade.

This firmware/software work with new AWC DC pump set(AWC tab is modified and Customer can choose which kind of AWC will use - by dosing pumps or AWC DC set). This module allow use all 5 dosing pumps as their defualt function. DC pumps allow for smooth and fast water change(up to 200l/h). Perfect for big aquariums where daily water changes are too bug for any of dosing/peristaltic pumps.

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Ny uppdatering släppt (bugfixar).

Software & Firmware:



- showing proper COM port (for different dosers)

- added read buttons on ATO/Temp tab

- fixed some small bugs

- activity calculated with two decimal places (refresh works correctly now)

Important - if you upgrading from verion with 0.1ml resolution(like any 1.3x ) to 1.4x version - you need manually correct daily doses(they will be 10x smaller on new firmware than should be).

If you made memory backup on old/previous firmware - after restoring it to doser memory you will need correct daily dose settings again(because this "image" was made on previous firmware)

Additionally - we suggest check all tabs and confirm actual settings(by set/save)

(and after confirmation all settings you can generate .mbf or calibration file).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ny uppdatering släppt (bugfixar).

Software: http://www.pacific-sun.eu/download/kore1.4e.rar

Firmware: http://www.pacific-sun.eu/download/kore_5th_1.4e.bin

We improved connectivitiy and sound alarms(for manual dose for example) - and some little bugs also are fixed.

We added special dosing programs - C11 - 11 doses hour by hour - so it help doses Ca/buffer in different day ours(for example - kalk in night, Ca during the day).

Channel #1 have 0.1ml resolution - because we increased maximum daily dosed amount to 6.5 liters of liquid.

Important - if you upgrading from verion with 0.1ml resolution (like any 1.3x) to 1.4x version - you need manually correct daily doses (they will be 10x smaller on new firmware than should be).

If you made memory backup on old/previous firmware - after restoring it to doser memory you will need correct daily dose settings again(because this "image" was made on previous firmware)

Additionally - we suggest check all tabs and confirm actual settings(by set/save)

(and after confirmation all settings you can generate .mbf or calibration file).

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ny uppdatering släppt (fixed small bugs, correct readings of dosed liquids etc.)

Software & Firmware: http://www.pacific-sun.eu/download/kore1.4f.rar

Vad skillnaden är, vet jag inte. Vet bara att det inte står "beta" längre. Det var ett tag sedan denna släpptes.

Edited by Yodelking
Lagt till infon om vad som är ändrat i denna versionen.
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  • 1 month later...

Ny liten fix av Firmware (Har inte testat den, med Odel68 har blivit av med en bugg med denna nya versionen)

Due some incompatibilities between different versions of firmware some migrations data arent made succesfull.

We was able to find it today and do fast quick/fix.


Om det inte går att uppdatera som vanlig så skrev de även:

Important - since version 1.4 we implemented special safe procedure against accidentally firmware upgrade.

If you want upgrade firmware(and your actual firmware version is 1.4) you need:

1. Open app, choose proper com port.

2. Don't click connect - go to last tab and choose Firmware upgrade

3. Choose proper firmware file - then confirm by enter/open button.

4. Switch down your doser button(to reset state) and move back. If you dont have 3-state switch(only small black button/reset hole) - push it quickly.

Firmware upgrade procedure will start.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 10 months later...

Jaha då var det dags med strul igen på denna pump! Kunde 

inte stänga av ATO idag! Så jag testade med att uppdatera både med det senaste programvaran samt firmware för mac. Men vad händer! Inte ett skit förutom att det står bootloader ready i fönstret!  Så nu är de väl bara å skrota bort den  Dyr, å värdelös programvara om man kör med Mac... Lika stora problem med rampen tyvärr. Men men de är nog bara å börja titta på nått annat! Tyvärr....


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